

加利福尼亚儿科医疗专家辐射儿童医院已推出a new Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) standardization software.

Created in-house by the hospital’sHelen and Will Webster Foundation 3D Innovations (3DI) Lab,’Media2Dicom’将患者的3D模型转换为医生经常使用的DICOM文件共享数据。为此,该计划使医务人员可以更轻松地访问解剖学3D重建,节省时间,同时帮助他们量身定制治疗以改善儿童的临床结果。

“With the right resources, we’ve been able to develop software suited to the hospital’s needs, making it easier for physicians to access personalized 3D models and other information for excellent patient care,” said Justin Ryan, PhD, Director and Research Scientist at the 3DI Lab. “This is the first time a software like this has been created in a vendor-neutral environment, so it’s really exciting to see what’s next on this path of innovation.”

一系列针对心脏和骨骼疾病的3I LAB-3D印刷模型。通过Rady儿童医院的照片。
一系列3DI LAB-3D印刷心脏和骨骼病模型。通过Rady儿童医院的照片。





Stratasys J750。Tia Vialva摄影。
Stratasys J750 3D打印机。Tia Vialva摄影。

An industry-first conversion software

3DI LAB的MEDIA2DICOM软件是一种工具,旨在封装DICOMS中MP4,JPEG,PNGS,BMP和STL等文件。实际上,该计划通过允许临床医生可以使用本地存储或通过行业标准的图片归档通信系统(PACS)来归档3D模型来工作。

During the process, users are able to convert both videos of patients’ 3D models and 3D datasets themselves into standardized DICOM files. These files are then embedded within patient medical records and made accessible through the healthcare facility’s PACS, where other patient media, such as CT and MRI scans, are also available.

使用该平台,医生能够与患者的解剖结构进行查看和相互作用,从而使他们能够满足其独特生理的需求。While the hospital’s website says that the program “is for research purposes only” and “is not intended for diagnostic use,” it adds that it could save doctors a huge amount of time in a way that “impacts the lives of thousands of children.”

该软件现在可用,感兴趣的人可以免费下载Media2Dicomhere. Moving forwards, Rady Children’s Hospital says that its 3DI Lab is also “working on advancing medical images using 3D printing,” as well as “developing in-house novel medical devices and several other in-house software projects.”



Rady儿童医院的3DI实验室现在是几家医疗机构之一,可以转向3D印刷模型,以帮助外科医生为手术做准备,并且患者更好地了解手术。为了促进这一过程,Stratasys已推出数字解剖创建者软件设计来操纵物质形式tions and customize internal structures in order to boost model accuracy.

在其他地方,由于可以通过其UV喷墨技术实现的高颜色保真度,mimaki3D打印机继续找到临床建模应用。2021年6月,University of Florenceand庞培揭示他们已经部署了其中一个系统,以及独特的算法,以准确开发3D printed full-color anatomical models

Going further back to late-2019,GE Healthcare与Formlabs合作同样,为了使临床医生更容易从成像数据中使用3D打印患者特异性模型。通过他们的合作,这些公司开始提供一套捆绑包,该捆绑包合并Formlabs 3D打印机和材料以及GE Healthcare的Advantage Workstation Software,以准备在生产前准备此类模型。

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特色图像显示了一系列针对心脏和骨骼疾病的3DI LAB-3D打印模型。通过Rady儿童医院的照片。