



Have you run into this problem?

You want to 3D print something that will take several hours, but you also want to use your computer for other things. Figuring out how to solve this problem just got easier.

I’m going to show you in this tutorial how you can, for around $45 dollars, make your 3D printer wireless, and how you can receive notifications when the print is done. If you have an old webcam lying around, you can even see what your printer is doing from any Internet connection…how cool is that?

Let’s get into the detail: Many 3D printers work on a serial over USB connection to stream commands to the 3D printer. This is simple and straightforward, but still there are many things that can go wrong:

  • 您的电脑可以入睡
  • 您可以稍微摇晃一点电缆并打断连接
  • A demanding program on your computer might cause a hiccup in the print process
  • 您需要访问计算机以进行其他作品,但与此打印运行有关

即使许多3D打印机具有SD卡功能,您仍然必须走到打印机,然后输入SD卡,如果出现问题,或者如果您在打印完成后想要通知,请使用SD卡isn’t the best solution.

Wouldn’t it be nice to just have the printer do it’s thing while you can do yours? We think so which and this short free tutorial will show you how.


其次,您将需要购买一台称为Raspberry Pi 3的小型Linux计算机,价格约为35美元,电源约为10美元,以及一张带有适配器的8GB Micro-SD卡,价格约为10美元。你们中的许多人已经在家中都有这些物品,并且此过程几乎可以与大多数Micro SD卡一起使用。使用新的Raspberry Pi 3有一个好处,因为它已经具有WiFi在板上。


  1. 下载开源打印控制软件,章鱼octoprint.org并将其解压缩到IMG文件中。
  2. 在下载时,您还需要使用其他几个软件。
  3. DownloadWin32DiskImagerhttps://sourceforge.net/projects/win32diskimager/for you Windows users…for Mac, there are instructions on theOctopPi websitethat will help you install the image file on the microSD card.
  4. 进行Google搜索“Bonjour for Windows”and install Bonjour on your computer. If you are running Mac, this is already installed for you. You don’t have to do this step, but it makes it easier to log into the Raspberry Pi later on.
  5. 插入microSD卡入计算机(如果需要的话,请使用适配器),然后运行win32diskimager program,选择您的Micro SD卡和章鱼的IMG文件。将该图像写入您的microSD卡。
  6. Your microSD card will show up as a new drive on your computer…before we get to the Pi part, we want to get wireless pre-working. Navigate to the root of that card and open章鱼network.txt在WordPad中(请务必使用WordPad,因为记事本不会正确格式化文本)
  7. 在与您的网络设置相对应的三个条目的开头删除哈希标记,然后输入SSID和密码并保存文件。
  8. 完成此操作后,将SD卡从计算机中删除,然后将microSD卡插入覆盆子Pi 3
  9. Connect the Raspberry Pi to your3D打印机using the USB cable.
  10. 为覆盆子Pi供电,等待几分钟左右。
  11. 如果您早些时候安装了Bonjour,请导航到octopi.local在您的网络浏览器中,您会看到八普林。如果您没有安装Bonjour,请找到章鱼抓住的IP地址,然后以这种方式登录。
  12. Once you have made some decisions that Octopi asks you about access control, go to设置并选择波特率at which your printer runs. Then edit the printer profile to make sure that the size of your print bed is listed accurately. This is not strictly needed, but it is nice for visualization.
  13. 现在进入您的切片程序,切成3D模型并创建一个GCode file
  14. Upload your gcode file to your章鱼服务器然后单击“打印”,您就完成了!


感谢您观看此Raspberry Pi视频博客,并在下周回到HoneyPoint3D的另一个教程!

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