
Say hello to real time 3D Scanning on your Android phones

Have you imagined to use3D扫描智能手机,平板电脑和其他每天使用的平台?我愿意。现在是时候了。


自从他们于去年年初开始实施负担得起的3D扫描到印刷服务以来,总部位于新奥尔良的公司Scandy就一直在努力。他们一直与PMDTechnologies(PMD)合作,他是3D飞行时间(TOF)传感器的全球领导者,以揭开使用Scandy Core构建的Android的Scandy Pro。Scandy Pro竞争对手的专业扫描设备只有一部消费者手机和附加的3D传感器,成千上万美元。


精确,负担得起,便携式和快速的Scandy Pro授权用户使用PMD PICO FlexX TOF传感器实时从Android设备中创建详细的3D扫描。Scandy Pro捕获的功能小至0.3毫米,带有0.25米的边界盒和36毫米,尺寸为3米的边界盒。用户还可以使用Scandy Pro的设备编辑来快速裁剪,调整大小等。


As a maker, the potential for creating dimensionally accurate models on a sub-millimeter scale from a system that costs less than $500 is something I’ve been dreaming about for years. I’m really proud we are able to provide this solution finallyScandy联合创始人兼CTO Cole Wiley说。

Those of you who are Android users and are interested in the new Scandy Pro platform can sign up to become a beta tester. In addition, app developers can work directly with Scandy to learn about how to implement the Scandy Core SDK into their future applications. All in all, the Scandy Pro app will enable Android users to easily create and modify 3D meshes that are optimized for 3D printing or CAD work, essentially helping to usher in the new era of more affordable and accessible 3D scanning technology for all.

螢幕快照 2016-08-24 18.13.09

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