3D Printing

前往Costco?从Robo 3D拿起3D打印机

Everyone’s favorite warehouse club, Costco, will be selling desktop 3D printers starting September 19th. The machine that the US’s second and the world’s seventh largest retailer has decided to introduce to their 3 million customers is the ROBO1 3D printer from San Diego-based机器人3D。对于制造商,零售商和整个行业来说,这是令人振奋的消息。

ROBO1 3D打印机来自Robo 3D 从下周开始,Robo 3D团队将在南加州的五家不同的Costco商店进行30天的路展,在那里他们将展示其Robo1 3D打印机,并以两个1千克的丝线以价格出售它729.99美元。Robo 3D首席执行官Braydon Moreno评论说,“凭借我们的预算价格R1 3D打印机,我们希望为家庭提供机会,从父亲,母亲到孩子们创造。与Costco合作是一段关系的开始,这将有助于将3D打印带给大众,并使消费者能够在舒适的家中创造任何东西。”

If the pilot program does well in these locations, they should expand to other stores, giving the manufacturer even greater visibility and exposing further audiences to the technology. 3D printing enthusiasts can be satisfied knowing that the sale of 3D printers in such a prominent store is a pretty significant milestone in the history of the industry. Despite some opinions that desktop 3D printers would not make it into the homes of most consumers, a major retailer of home goods has bet that shoppers would like to get their hands on the technology as they purchase huge supplies of toilet paper and Cap’n Crunch for the family.

As an aside, I’m also happy to hear that 3D printers have hit Costco before the company’s competitors, as the warehouse store isadmirable in its treatment of employees,向美国员工提供每小时11至21美元的非经理工资,其员工中有近85%获得健康福利。对于3D打印机制造商来说,没有更好的合作伙伴!

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