

Dyndrite Corporation位于西雅图的添加剂制造软件公司,已宣布that Google’s AI-focused investment fund,Gradient Ventures,,,,will lead its $10 million Series A funding round.

科塔资本,,,,Amplify Ventures,,,,房屋基金,,,,and卡尔鲈鱼,前总裁兼首席执行官Autodesk,也正在投资这一轮,该回合能够发布软件工具Dyndrite Accelerated Geometry Kernel

安娜·帕特森(Anna Patterson),Google工程副总裁兼Gradient Ventures的执行合伙人,评论,“We are at a unique point in time where innovative manufacturing hardware has outpaced its software counterparts,”

“Dyndrite accoun一个新平台t modern computer architecture, modern design needs, and modern manufacturing capabilities.”



该公司本周早些时候在AMUG 2019年初引入了Dyndrite加速几何内核(AGK),作为3D打印的CAD/CAM的首个完全图形处理单元(GPU)本机几何引擎。

Additionally, the Dyndrite Additive Toolkit was launched as the first application built on AGK, which enables a streamlined CAD-to-Print workflow for increased productivity and efficiency in additive manufacturing processes.

DynDrite首席执行官兼联合创始人Harshil Goel说:“我们正在进入公司的下一阶段,并很高兴能在促进设计和制造业的发展方面发挥作用。”


The Dyndrite Additive Toolkit enables the importing and slicing of native spline date. Image via Dyndrite.
The Dyndrite Additive Toolkit enables the importing and slicing of native spline date. Image via Dyndrite.




“With its revolutionary geometry engine and Additive Manufacturing Toolkit, Dyndrite is poised to transform additive manufacturing,” explained Bass. “It’s exciting to be a part of this disruptive step forward.”

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Featured image shows the Dyndrite Additive Toolkit within the AGK. Image via Dyndrite.