

原型组件将有助于BAE Systems澳大利亚in fulfilling its obligation under its contract with the澳大利亚国防部to design and construct nine Hunter class frigates for theRoyal Australian Navy

AML3D, an Australia-based large-scale 3D metal printing company, andBAE Systems, a British multinational arms business, have disclosed a prototyping purchase agreement with BAE Systems Australia. The contract will research the the viability and prototyping of parts in support of BAE Systems Australia’s contract for manufacturing nine Hunter class frigates.


Hunter class frigates是将来将在未来部署的重型军舰类别Anzac class frigates对于澳大利亚皇家海军。AML3D是为海洋行业提供认证的高强度组件的先驱,因为它是世界上第一家获得世界上第一家获得获得认证的大型3D金属印刷公司Lloyd‘s Register and Additive Manufacturing Facility Accreditation fromDNV。Design optimization and quick lead and delivery times are offered by Lloyd’s Register certified WAM prototype parts. The contract was obtained as a result of testing with BAE Systems Australia, which showed WAM to be suitable for supporting the design, new construction, and maintenance of marine assets in Australia.- claims AML3D.

“Developing our commercial relationships across the marine and defense sectors is key to AML3D’s strategic growth plan. We had great confidence that WAM® would satisfy BAE Systems Australia’s testing protocols and are pleased to have successfully moved this project out of the validation testing phase. Providing prototype components that will support BAE Systems Australia’s contract with the Royal Australian Navy to build the Hunter class frigates is another step in building a commercial relationship of great significance. Especially in the context of the scale of BAE Systems Australia’s wider shipbuilding initiatives in Australia.” said, Ryan Millar, Chief Executive Officer at AML3D.

Additive Manufacturing Facility Accreditation from DNV


对于金属添加剂制造服务,按需数字制造公司protolabs被DNV GL授予“制造商的资格”认证protolabs据说,这是第一家利用粉末床融合(PBF)3D打印的公司,以从DNV获得认证,以满足石油和天然气行业的零件性能和设备安全要求。

Elsewhere,DNVGL released its first classification guideline for the usage of AM technologies在海洋,石油和天然气行业中。48页的报告是当局认为可能是船舶维护和维修的范式变化的例子。从原型到生产工具和备用组件,它涵盖了该过程的各个方面。

卑尔根DNV实验室的系泊链测试床的3D印刷铝制复制品。图像通过DNV GL。
卑尔根DNV实验室的系泊链测试床的3D印刷铝制复制品。图像通过DNV GL。



For example, a Xerox3D printer was previously placed on the USS Essex,一艘黄蜂级两栖攻击船,由海军研究生院(NPS) and美国太平洋舰队海军地面部队指挥官(COMNAVSURFPAC). The mobile landing helicopter dock, which is over 800 feet long, can accommodate up to dozens of aircraft and more than 1,600 troops at once. After the installation, the Essex will act as a test site to determine how well the unidentified 3D printer performs for the first time in open water. If successful, the Navy intends to use additive manufacturing to significantly enhance its total capacity for warfighting.

以前,一个完全3D打印的螺旋桨是为法国海军的一艘船创建的by defense contractor海军集团。该任务采用了公司自己的独特创建的基于DED的金属汇合方法。该螺旋桨具有2.5米跨度和五个不同的200kg叶片,据说是3D印刷的最大推进器,并且是使用海军集团的独特方法制成的。

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