
美国制造publishes national roadmap for additive manufacturing in the United States




The document was produced with contributions from, and participation of over 150 manufacturing, and additive manufacturing organizations, including GE, EOS, Autodesk, Arconic, Apple, Boeing and 3D Systems.

个人从Stratasys公司,美国国家航空航天局(NASA)和洛克希德Martin are credited under Special Recognition as contributing authors/editors of the roadmap.

Ensuring the safety of machines and materials

19 of the identified gaps in the roadmap are marked as high priority in terms of the demand for standards and specifications. As process & materials is broken into a further 4 categories, (precursor materials, process control, post processing and the finished material properties) this sector collects more high priority gaps.

一点点在过程中挑出是Machine Calibration and Preventative Maintenancefor which“迫切需要制定日常机器校准检查的准则。”Additionally, the roadmap specifies a need to better understand the properties and effects in producing recycled materials for additive manufacturing,就像在塑料瓶中变成adidas的运动鞋

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回收的adidas Ultraboost Parley。通过Parley.tv的照片


指出出于特定目的的软件程序的增加,例如Renishaw’s ADEPT project to create plates and surgical guides for the skull,设计优先级是Application-Specific Design Guidelines,with the added necessity to record the best practices.



As discussed in our伯明翰大学Amplab的Moataz Attallah教授的访谈, there is growing necessity for specialist training of additive manufacturing design and processes. The US添加剂制造的标准化路线图highlights one are of this demand in training for“handling imaging data and preparing for printing”或者,换句话说,用于3D打印和处理3D扫描的CAD建模。

In addition, it asks for a guide to verification of a 3D printable model in relation to its purpose.

International standardization

As of the 1st March 2017,英国发布了2017年数字策略。Though not specific to additive manufacturing, this document highlights a strategy for the proliferation of FabLabs, Makerspaces, and government funded Tech Hubs, and links back to促进该国北部的经济。

在德国一月份宣布了联邦数字部并将负责包括工业4.0,数字教育和初创企业在内的领域。在西班牙和自2011年以来Barcelona has become a leader in the advancement of the Fab City concept

In November 2016,Australia published a roadmap for advanced manufacturingand “unlocking future growth opportunities for Australia” and Canada has the加拿大制定计划,该计划将推动技术的使用和工业化的使用

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Featured image shows a satellite map of the USA. Image via NASA.