

这篇文章在我们的系列研究future of 3D Printing. To celebrate 5 years of reporting on the 3D printing industry, we’ve invited industry leaders and 3D printing experts to give us their perspective and predictions for the next 5 years and insight into trends in additive manufacturing.

雷内·古尔卡(RenéGurka)is the CEO and co-founder ofBigrep。他在柏林 - 克雷兹伯格(Berlin-Kreuzberg)设有办事处,在布鲁克林和新加坡设有办事处,在过去三年中,他一直在与国际跨学科团队一起积极参与增材制造业的未来。

3D打印:未来五年 - 工业3D制造是最终目标

如果您想看看3D打印的未来,那值得回顾过去。增材制造已经存在了大约30年。但是只有在过去的五年中,它才获得了这一重大认可。承诺是:每个人都可以用3D打印机在家中打印物体并成为设计师。3D行业先驱Bre Pettis在2013年说:“我们希望人们能够打印3D。但是这些高期望并未完全实现。除了少数才华横溢的人外,3D打印机的家庭使用并未成为主流。原因很简单:我们大多数人都缺乏必要的设计和施工理解,无法富有成效地使用设备,或者在家中创建必要的数字数据的技能。

Bigrep3D printer used to create headrests. Photo via DB AG/Oliver Lang.
Bigrep3D printer used to create headrests. Photo via DB AG/Oliver Lang.



An essential prerequisite for the successful integration of AM into the industrial production process is that it is only implemented where its use can be justified, for example in the production of individualized objects in small numbers. Let’s take the automotive industry: elements such as car seats or fittings can already be produced according to the customer’s requirements with 3D printing.


BigRep Sushi 3D打印机
BigRep Sushi 3D打印机

Endless Printing: 3D Printing in a Continuous Process


这种自动化与添加剂生产的智能组合对于汽车,机械,机械工程和航空领域的工业客户尤其有趣。无尽的印刷为3D打印中个性化的质量生产铺平了道路。在多物质处理中,例如在印刷电路板的生产中,可以消除单个工作步骤。在备件业务中,通过完全自动化的3D打印出现了全新的可能性。例如,可以在很短的时间内复制市场上不再可用的零件,例如不再生产的智能手机型号的断裂剪辑。最终用户通过云服务将零件的照片发送给制造商。制造商的另一个优势是:商品被数字地“存储”在网络中,不占据昂贵的房地产。建筑行业也将从这些发展中受益。使用大型打印机(例如我们的Bigrep One),可以生产空心模具,可用于在所需数字中添加历史立面装饰品。

Positioning BigRep to disrupt traditional industrial manufacturing
Positioning BigRep to disrupt traditional industrial manufacturing


完全自动化的3D打印将在未来五年内彻底改变工业制造业。这也反映在数字中。到2030年,预计市场的年增长率约为20%。这代表着目前的4.1美元增加到约400亿美元,但最大的增长来自生产,而不是原型制作。根据Gartner Inc.模型,研究新技术的趋势曲线,工业AM将在大约两到五年内达到生产高原。

To fully exploit this market potential, additive production will still have to be optimized in some basic ways. In addition to the speed problems already mentioned, the current challenges lie in a lack of innovative, printable materials. There is still a lot to do. The production process itself also presents the AM industry with new challenges. In the future, 3D printers need to be more efficiently integrated into production environments, and the digitalization level required for production in the intelligent factory is also not yet available in many 3D printers. Humans are still too strongly involved in the operation of the 3D printers; further automation is required.

我们必须尽快掌握这些挑战,因为一件事是可以肯定的:我们正处于技术革命的开始。AM技术将在未来五年内果断地影响工业生产的整个价值链。我们应该利用这个机会!想想大 - bigrep!


P.S: Good news for all non-professional designers: in TelAviv, a friend of mine withbots101.comis working on a solution. The computer uses artificial intelligence to create the design that I describe to him in words. We may still all get that 3D home printer Bre Pettis!

This is a guest post in our series looking at3D打印的未来, if you’d like to participate in this series then contact us for more information.

