
3D Printing news Sliced, Rick Perry, Materialise, Stratasys, SolidWorks and FIT America

This edition of our3D printing newsdigest Sliced poses and answers the following questions: Ever wanted to Pokémon cosplay with your dog? What materials will be used to 3D print the aircraft of the future? What new 3D printing medical applications will come out of Mitsui Chemicals’ latest investment?

All this and more from Materialise, Hexcel, Thingiverse, SolidWorks and Additive Industries. Plus – watch Rick Perry wrestle with a dog-bone.

3D printed Pokémon masks and a model of the Antwerp City Hall

As part of an exhibition highlighting the biggest urban development projects in Antwerp, Belgium,实现有3D打印large scale model of Antwerp City Hallusing their猛mm象立体光刻3D打印机. The 3D printed city hall is 1.7 meters wide.

AThingiverseuser, Aolesin, has created a 3D printable Cubone mask for Pokémon loving dog owners. Get the modelhere.

3D printable Cubon mask. Photo via Thingiverse user Aolesin.
3D printable Cubon mask. Photo via Thingiverse user Aolesin.

Vacuum safety and a matte PLA filament

Ruwac, a manufacturer of industrial vacuum systems, is releasing the NA26 immersion separation vacuum. Additive manufacturing spaces using explosive or impact sensitive materials may produce dust residue near ignition sources, running the risk of explosions. The NA26 safely collects explosive or hot media particles entering the vacuum by immediately submerging them in a turbulent liquid bath.

Colorfabbhave released a new 3D printing filament, PLA Semi-Matte Black. The new filament reduces the glossy appearance of 3D prints with PLA. It does this whilst containing no fibers, which allows designers and engineers to use the printing settings and temperatures they are accustomed to with most PLA filaments.

A title 3D printed with ColorFabb's PLA Semi-Matte Black

这latest partnerships and acquisitions

高性能材料公司,Hexceland阿克马are partnering to develop carbon fiber-reinforced thermoplastic tapes for the aircraft of the future. A joint research and development laboratory will be opened in France.

TriMech, a reseller of扎实的作品CAD software andStratasys3D printers, is partnering with CNC software developerCAMWorks.该合作伙伴关系旨在为TriMech客户提供支持和加工功能,以更好地整合设计和制造流程。

B9Creations, has received a minority investment fromMitsui Chemicals,三井集团的子公司。B9 Creations将利用Mitsui在医疗保健材料中的广泛网络,目的是开发新的3D打印应用程序。


Metal 3D printer companySLM Solutions’现任首席技术官HennerSchöneborn在6月30日结束后不会继续担任职务。Schöneborn说,这一决定“是友好的,出于个人原因而摇摆”。新的CTO将于8月1日开始,并将尽快命名。

3D打印假体制造商Create Orthotics & Prosthetics,已任命塞西莉亚·沙弗(Cecilia Schaffer)为他们的新首席执行官和董事会主席。前首席执行官杰夫·埃伦斯通(Jeff Erenstone)将担任首席技术官。埃伦斯通(Erenstone)说:“我们知道西西(Cissi)具有将我们提升到一个新的水平及以后的技能和专业知识。这将使我能够充分担任首席技术官的角色。”

Create O&P’s orthotic and prosthetic 3D printing system. Photo via Create O&P.

适合美国,德国的一部分FIT Additive Manufacturing Group, has announced Bruce Colter as its Vice President. Colter said “We need to instill confidence in our customers’ minds that AM will provide immediate benefits and a path to Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) benefits. In coming days, I will be presenting what I call our ‘Moore’s Law for AM’ which is an approach to successful AM implementation”

Additive Industries将于4月2日之前将其总部移至靠近当前地点的新工厂。新地点将与他们的测试操作,开发和系统组装分支合并,目前分布在Eindhoven的两个设施上。

3D printing system supplier激光线已经购买了第二个StratasysFortus 450MC解决了对3D打印的高需求Nylon 12CFmaterial in jigs, fixtures and small batch production of end use parts. Nylon 12CF is known for its tensile strength and durability.

松村,制造设备的提供商,现在是授权的经销商HP Multi Jet Fusion3D Printing range.

Yesterday, Secretary of Energy Rick Perry hosted a question and answer session at the Department of Energy’s劳伦斯·伯克利国家实验室. As Secretary of Energy, Perry oversees the running of Berkeley lab, as well as the 16 other national laboratories under the DOE.

During the session Perry said “One of the things that I enjoy as much about this job as anything, is going and telling the uninitiated about what’s happening at the national labs in this country. Your engagement in the future of the sciences, in innovation and knowledge, is invaluable.”

Energy Secretary Rick Perry, left, and Berkeley Lab’s Raymond Weitekamp struggle to break a 3D-printed wish bone at Berkeley Lab’s Molecular Foundry. GIF via Kelly J. Owen for Berkeley Lab.
Energy Secretary Rick Perry, left, and Berkeley Lab’s Raymond Weitekamp struggle to break a 3D-printed wish bone at Berkeley Lab’s Molecular Foundry. GIF via Kelly J. Owen for Berkeley Lab.

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Featured image shows Materialise’s model of Antwerp City hall. Photo via Materialise.

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