
[视频] Formnext 2022预览:下一代智能工业生产

为世界上最大的3D打印活动做好准备!与我们的专家小组经验一起加入队列,加入西门子,AM Ventures,Arburg,Tu Darmstadt,France Addive和formnextfor this advance briefing and inside-track networking session. You will hear from industry experts on topics including investment, sustainability, digitalization, and the AM market in France. Special guest Sascha Wenzler, Vice President of Mesago, provides his unique perspective on what to expect from the largest gathering in the 3D printing industry and trends to look for when Formnext returns next month.

Speaking at the event:

Karsten Heuser,Siemens AG的增材制造副总裁

Heuser博士在西门子工作了20多年,担任西门子企业的各种管理职位,包括企业技术,Osram,Energy,现在是Siemens AG的增材制造业副总裁。此外,他是VDMA AG增材制造咨询委员会的成员,也是Formnext咨询委员会的成员。Heuser博士拥有博士学位奥格斯堡大学的固态物理学以及ESMT高级管理的研究生文凭。

菲利普·罗森达尔(Philipp Rosendahl),Tu Darmstadt的生成设计实验室负责人

菲利普·l·Rosendahl机械该文研究g at the Technical University of Darmstadt, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. His doctoral thesis on the fracture mechanics of thin layers laid the foundation for his current work on efficient models and software tools for problems of structural engineering such as adhesive bonding and geophysical problems such as skier-triggered snow slab avalanche release. He currently works as head of the达姆施塔特技术大学的生成设计实验室.

Sascha Wenzler, Vice President atMesago

经济学文凭学位Sascha F. Wenzler于1996年开始在展览业务上。2008年加入Messe Frankfurt,Mesago Mese Messe Frankfurt担任副总裁Messe Messe Frankfurt,他负责Formnext,造成世界领先的添加剂制造业和添加剂制造业和贸易贸易。工业3D打印。

Arburg添加剂董事总经理Victor Roman

Victor has a Bachelor’s of mechanical engineering, and a Master’s of science in Physics, Ph.D. Physical Chemistry, Würzburg and Yale University. With 21 years experience at Bosch Stuttgart working in SW-Development, Sales, Corporate Strategy, Business Development and Founder and CEO of a Bosch-internal 3D Printing Startup (BIAM). Since 2021 Victor is the managing director ofArburgadive GmbH.

Christophe Eschenbrenner, President at France Additive

Digital supply chain innovation leader, expert in 3D Printing,France Additiveand Symop member.

Adrian Maier-Ring,合伙人Am Ventures

领先的风险投资公司在工业3D印刷(Ampartiver,AM)中拥有广泛的投资组合,该投资组合在3大洲的6个国家 /地区拥有十多家成功的公司。该团队拥有深入的技术知识,并与该领域最有经验的专家保持着良好的联系。作为投资合作伙伴,该公司在AM提供了全球领先的可持续投资生态系统,并将企业家介绍给大量的行业退伍军人,每个人在工程,制造业和执行管理方面都有数十年的经验。自2021年以来Am Ventures被设立为风险投资基金。

迈克尔·皮奇(Michael Petch),3D印刷行业的主编

Editor-in-chief and host of the3D打印Industry Awards 2022- 立即提名!

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