
Coffee machine burnt out? Additive Appliances could have you covered

意大利3D打印初创企业Additive Appliances已获得资金,以支持其用于家用咖啡机的新型添加剂制造热交换器的研发。

从欧盟获得支持数字创新中心and tech acceleratorkilomero Rosso Innovation区,该公司现在旨在将3D打印与传统生产工艺融合在一起,以此作为将温度调节设备整合到咖啡机中,这些咖啡机可提供适合正常电器的尺寸,效率和可持续性增长。

“If we look at the history of consumer products, major state-of-the-art advancements usually belong to new or improved technology,” Tommaso Beccuti, CEO of Additive Appliances告诉金属AM。“我们现在正在将数字制造技术添加到该列表中,开创了探索咖啡机的新设计和制造空间。”


添加剂电器正在与Kilomesro Rosso一起开发其3D打印的热交换器。图片通过雪佛兰摄影,pexels。

Innovation at Kilometro Rosso

意大利贝加莫工作从其基地,KilometroRosso is a tech accelerator that offers a range of services designed to help start-ups like Additive Appliances fund and develop their ideas, before bringing them to market. The organization terms the first step of the path to achieving this as ‘technology transfer,’ a process in which it scouts, identifies the potential value of and protects new products from duplication.

To help facilitate this early-stage of start-up development, Kilometro Rosso works with various partners, notably ceramic 3D printing specialistceramtec和培训实验室丽莎技术。后者为那些寻求转向增材制造业的人举办了学费,研究和服务活动,并使合作伙伴更容易,它还拥有广泛的制造和部分资格功能。

Thanks to its partnership withEOS,例如,实验室安装EOS M290DMLS 3D打印机,该系统现已获得Fehrmann合金高性能铝兼容性,以及设计,后处理,断层扫描分析和质量控制装备,使其非常适合那些试图验证初始设计的初创企业。

Kilometro Rosso位于意大利伯加莫的总部。
Kilometro Rosso位于意大利伯加莫的总部。通过kilometro Rosso摄影。


Set up earlier this year in Torino, Additive Appliances is a company dedicated to developing a ‘new generation of household appliances,’ comprising both coffee machines and personal care products. Between them, the firm’s founders say they have over fifty years’ business experience, including stints as executives at 3D printing companies, knowledge they’ve now drawn upon with their first device.

In essence, Additive Appliances’ maiden product is an optimized heat exchanger for coffee makers, devices that it says are generally vital to water temperature control, and generating the tastiest possible brew. Many existing machines are fitted with electrothermic devices composed of multiple parts that allow them to achieve this, but their embedded nature makes them very difficult to recycle.



为了将其新颖的设备推向市场,添加剂设备现在不仅获得了欧盟的支持,还可以通过Am Ventures’添加剂启动意大利竞赛。该公司使用这项资本,打算在其Lisa Tech Lab上与Kilomesro Rosso合作,该实验室内包含LPBF打印机,铝和钛专业知识和层析成分系统,以开发成熟的产品。

Kilomemro Rosso的增材制造工程师Giuseppe De Marco补充说:“我们总是开放并接受创新,为合作伙伴提供服务,并支持所有预测未来的创新计划。”“我们很高兴通过Lisa Tech支持添加剂。我们确信,协作将导致AM技术实现新的解决方案开发。”

3D打印已在咖啡培养中部署在商业项目中,例如Caps Me的自动填充胶囊。图片通过我的帽子。



Likewise, sustainability-focused product developerNexe创新还在其自身堆肥的研发中使用了3D打印plant-based coffee pod。在过去的八年中,该公司表示,采用这项技术使其能够快速迭代其设计,并开发与商业兼容的产品Nespresso机器。

总部位于布鲁克林的设计公司奶油另一方面,在创建最佳的杯状上已经采取了不同的措施,并使用3D印刷模具生产完全可降解的餐具。Made from gourd fruits, the firm’s ‘HyO-Cups’ are grown inside the molds at a large container laboratory, before being dried, hardened and used as coffee cups.




