
施乐的fitterdivision to help Black Buffalo 3D bring concrete 3D printing technology to market

施乐的设备融资业务已同意支持黑色水牛3D’sefforts to accelerate the adoption of its construction 3D printing portfolio.

Recently rebrandedfitter, the Xerox financial services unit specializes in helping firms adapt to market conditions and grow, while identifying opportunities for its parent company to expand into new areas. As part of a newly-signed collaboration deal, the business is now set to help Black Buffalo 3D’s technologies gain traction in construction, by offering to finance projects in which they can be deployed.

“This partnership just makes good sense, and we are thrilled for our customers,” added Tim Murphy, President of Black Buffalo 3D Finance. “It’s the convergence of ConTech and FinTech, which now enables construction firms and contractors to solve the affordable housing crisis faster, more efficiently, and with manageable monthly payments instead of massive upfront costs.”

黑色水牛3D的Nexcon Construction 3D打印机。通过黑色水牛3D图像。
Black Buffalo 3D的Nexcon Construction 3D打印机。通过黑色水牛3D图像。

黑色水牛3D’s NEXCON technology

Black Buffalo 3D总部位于宾夕法尼亚州,生产建筑3D打印机,旨在按“按打印机”租用。该公司使用其专有的Nexcon Gantry系统履行此类订单。这些单元具有模块化轨道系统,该系统允许用户自定义其打印区域,满足特定于项目的需求并规模,以实现大型社区构建。

Black Buffalo 3D的Nexcon机器还结合了开放的料斗设计,从而为用户提供了直接的视线以进行检查,而其打印速度每秒9.8英寸Occupational Safety and Health Administration限制,并在20小时内创建1,000平方英尺的结构。

Already, such benefits have seen Black Buffalo 3D selected to supply large-scale housing projects, such asAlquist 3D’s plans to 3D print 200 homes。The buildings are being constructed to meet the needs of the growing workforce in Pulaski, a city in Virginia’s New River Valley, which is one of the fastest-growing regions in the US when it comes to tech jobs.

Xerox ElemX liquid metal 3D printer. Photo via Xerox.
施乐的ElemX liquid metal 3D printer. Photo via Xerox.

Xerox leans further into AM?


除了设备租赁和融资计划外,Fittle还提供合作伙伴租赁,交易渠道计划和支持服务,但与Black Buffalo 3D的合作伙伴关系主要集中在前者。通过“广泛的融资产品”,这些公司旨在使Nexcon 3D打印机尽可能容易地为寻求新建筑技术的人采用。

“As a global provider of innovative business financing solutions, FITTLE is well-positioned to support Black Buffalo 3D’s growth during this transformative time for the company,” said Nicole Torraco, President of FITTLE. “We look forward to executing a strong and sustainable partnership as the company continues to disrupt the construction industry.”

The move also signals a deepening of Xerox’s ties to the 3D printing industry. While it has traditionally traded in 2D rather than 3D printing,施乐公布了一个路线图,以“参与” 3D打印早在2018年。在接下来的几个月中,Xerox获得的Vader系统,液态金属喷气机3D打印机制造商,然后制作其Formnextdebut in 2019.

Since then,Xerox has scrapped plans to buy HP, instead investing in the launch of its debut 3D printer, the ElemX. Over the last 18 months, the海军研究生院已经获得了Elemx对于研发,顶点制造已安装了Xerox 3D打印机for industrial production purposes. However, through its FITTLE arm, Xerox now appears to be expanding its 3D printing interests in a new direction.


Though the technology hasn’t quite disrupted the construction sector just yet, it’s potential to do so has begun to attract a significant investment in concrete 3D printing firms. During May 2022,GE’s风力涡轮机制造臂,GE Renewable Energy, invested in COBOD, in a deal that’s said to have provided it with greater access to the firm’s machines.

On a larger scale,ICON raised another $185 million2022年2月,在一项交易中,其估值最高20亿美元。该公司此前已承诺使用筹集的任何资金来扩展其能力,并扩大其工程师,建筑师和运营领导者团队,以“将住房和建设带入现代世界”。

在其他地方,US Department of Energyhas issued a3900万美元的建筑3D打印赠款旨在支持技术的发展。在收到这笔资金份额的18个项目中,德克萨斯农工大学University of Pennsylvania试图通过开发“大麻”材料,另一种是吸收碳的地板,试图做出特别大胆的进步。

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Featured image shows Black Buffalo 3D’s NEXCON construction 3D printer. Image via Black Buffalo 3D.