3D Printing

力量觉醒an Open Source, 3D Printed BB-8 Droid

With the upcoming release of the next installment in the星球大战系列,大量的嗡嗡声和好奇心已经流传力量觉醒. At the latest Star Wars Celebration convention in Anaheim, California, one of the fan favorites, the informative droid R2-D2, seemed to have a new friend to roll around with.

BB8 droid inspires 3D printed droid

This spherical-shaped bot, named BB-8, was displayed at the convention and was received with awe and excitement, so much so that,根据制作,,,,one team decided to utilize 3D printed parts to build a functioning BB-8 droid. By drawing inspiration for the mechanical build of the droid from the official Star WarsSphero玩具,,,,the team was able to reproduce every part of the BB-8 from its head down to its stabilizing wheel set.

sphero compared to 3D printed droid schematics

该团队由四名工程师和艺术家组成,每个工程师和艺术家都为将这个球形的机器人带入了生命,为将这个球形的机器人带入了至关重要的作品。设计和力学是由Casey Kuhns处理的,而SparkFun工程师Pamela Cortez则使用Raspberry Pi开发了B-88的大脑,并从Sphero机器人那里绘制了绘画影响。在库恩斯和科尔特斯实施了基础力学之后,基于电影的机器人是由两名名为Allison Cavis和Maurice Woods的“艺术家转变为工程师”应用的。

3D printed components of B-88


loveland makerspace 3D prints bb-8 droid

The team, based in Colorado, put together the B-88 at theLoveland Creatorspace,,,,a non-profit maker and hacker space located in the city of Loveland. This workspace is where the team designed the spherical body and the 3D printed mechanics of the droid. The spherical shape of the B-88 is almost seamless, allowing the 3D printed and metal internal mechanics to function without outside interference, sealing off the guts of the droid from water, earth, and the like. Using a side-by-side picture comparison with the droid’s veteran counterpart, R2D2, the team was able to scale the B-88 model to the proper size. Thanks to the influence of Sphero’s well-functioning body design, combined with 3D printed internal components, this Colorado-based DIY team was able to create their own functioning Star Wars droid with the force of 3D printing and robotics.
