
ABB 3D scans towards a connected future in partnership with NUB3D

瑞典 - 西威斯科技公司ABB已获得西班牙语3D扫描和计量设备生产商NUB3D. The acquisition of the 3D scanning enterprise will ensure that ABB are prepared for a “smart future” where 3D scanners read and collect data from components and machines in operation.

A connected future in the Internet of Things

在智能工厂中,来自3D扫描仪的数据存储在集体云中 - 一个基必威APP精装版于无线和Internet的信息存档。以这种方式存储信息可增强企业所有领域的连接性,并在需要时易于访问该信息。

The Internet of Thing loop. Image via Celent

Devices require an internet connection to keep a record of this data in the Cloud, otherwise known as the Internet of Things (IoT). ABB pride themselves on an ability to provide these connected solutions to their clients, and have already installed 70 million connected devices to their worldwide customer base as part of the ABB Ability service.

ABB Ability

ABB Ability installs advanced manufacturing equipment including robotic arms and sensors within company’s existing manufacturing process to improve production output and connectivity. For this ABB contribute everything from advice and software, to the hardware used to achieve such goals.

ABB smart sensors can be installed onto existing low-voltage motors to collect data about their output. Image via: ABB Ability
ABB smart sensors can be installed onto existing low-voltage motors to collect data about their output. Image via: ABB Ability

在3D扫描仪的情况下,制造商可必威APP精装版能正在寻找其产品中更精确,更有效的质量控制方式,或者是通过3D扫描和CAD转换其设计过程的方法。这是NUB3D为ABB增加专业知识和价值的地方。ABB机器人和运动部总裁Sami Atiya解释说,

With this acquisition we are moving a step closer to the factory of the future. As our customers’ automation processes become more advanced and production cycles shorten, the ability to efficiently automate quality inspections becomes a compelling competitive advantage.


NUB3D的3D必威APP精装版扫描仪基于白光技术,该技术在宏观至千分尺尺度上提供了物体表面的高定义细节。相比之下,结构化3D扫描仪,必威APP精装版例如Open Technologies在盒子平台中的扫描,用于捕获物体的3D形状,而不是检查其表面。

nub3d3D scanners are now integrated into robotic arms from ABB as the FlexInspect and InspectPack systems. Both robot 3D scanner arms are used for automatic inspection of manufactured components.

机器人NUB3D 3D扫描仪进行自动检查的演示。剪辑通过nub3d在YouTube上

Such scrutiny is essential to metal additive manufacturers producing关键应用的组件,例如能源发电or aerospace. By scanning with white light, the NUB3D 3D scanners can detect imperfections in a product and also create a draft 3D mesh of the object for reiteration in CAD. This 3D mesh may also be used for reverse engineering.

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