3D Printing


Hackadaycontributor泰勒·安德森已经开发了一种新型的3D打印系统,该系统放弃了典型的XY轴,以旋转印刷床和多个独立控制的挤出机头。这个Theta 3D printer他说,可以同时在同一物体上使用不同的印刷材料,而不会减少构建量或负面影响性能。

theta_3d printer


However a 3D printer that uses a “theta” – or rotational – axis combined with an R axis has less mass so it doesn’t sacrifice speed, maintains print resolution even near the center of the prints, and can easily use multiple extruders without build area reduction. Anderson’s Theta printer is optimised for four independent extruders that allow users to print objects in multiple colors and materials. The printer can work with any type of extruder that uses any type of material so it could create objects in plastic. It can even 3D print something with multiple colors or chocolate without worrying about the heads running into the object or the different colors smudging and running together.

theta_mess 3d printer



Anderson’s theta printer includes four extruders and a rotating heated print bed driven by ten independent stepper motors. The rotational platform has a build volume of 304mm (12inch) diameter with a 150mm (6inch) Z axis. The printer is completely open source and the parts list can be located onGitHub。您也可以阅读有关构建的所有信息Hackaday.io