
New flagship Cadillac sedan to feature ‘more 3D printed parts than any GM vehicle to date’

总部位于美国的汽车制造商General Motors(通用汽车)已经发布了计划,该计划比以前有任何汽车制造的3D印刷零件的新掀背车。

定于通用汽车建造卡迪拉克Brand在一个价值8100万美元的项目中,“ Celestiq”旨在成为一款超豪华电动汽车(EV),并充满了尖端的技术创新。因此,轿车不仅将配备四季度的智能玻璃屋顶和“支柱到柱”的自由形式显示器,而且还具有100多个塑料和金属3D印刷零件。

通用汽车总裁马克·鲁斯(Mark Reuss)说:“作为凯迪拉克(Cadillac)未来的旗舰轿车,塞莱斯蒂克(Celestiq)表示该品牌的新时代。”“每个人都将由我们历史悠久的技术中心校园中的一群出色的工匠团队手工制作,而今天的投资公告则强调了我们致力于提供世界一流的凯迪拉克,只有最好的工艺,设计,工程技术和技术。”


总部位于密歇根州底特律,通用汽车是世界上最大的汽车制造商之一,拥有八个不同国家的工厂,负责建造雪佛兰,,,,别克andGMCvehicles, among others. As you’d expect from a multinational that shipped just under 6.3 million motors last year, GM utilizes a range of technologies within its production chain, including 3D printing, albeit mainly for tooling and R&D purposes.

In 2018, the company revealed that utilizing the technology alongsideAutodesksoftware, had allowed it to transform its vehicle development process. Specifically, GM announced that使用生成设计来轻巧的车辆,使其能够在两年前优化汽车的内部空间和性能,同时将其平均质量减少超过350磅。

那年晚些时候,通用汽车还宣布通过切换到3D打印工具节省了$ 300,000在其兰辛三角洲镇议会综合大楼。虽然该数字是在三年内通过多个零件达到的,但该公司透露,在一个例子中,一种用于对齐发动机和变速箱识别号的工具,可能以3D打印的价格低于3美元,但如果外包的话,将花费3,000美元。

最近,通用汽车扩大了对技术的采用,随着其开放加性工业化中心。Home to 24 SLS, SLM, FDM and MJF 3D printers, the company’s 15,000 sq. ft facility has already yielded lighter, more ergonomic hand-apply tools, rapid-response solutions and prototypes, but it’s now increasingly moving into the low-volume production of end-use parts.

通用汽车将使用其新设施(如图)来开发更有效的添加剂汽车组件。通过总经理史蒂夫·菲希特(Steve Fecht)的照片。
通用汽车的添加剂工业化中心。通过总经理史蒂夫·菲希特(Steve Fecht)的照片。


一旦准备就绪,Celestiq将成为最新的凯迪拉克,以3D打印零件为特色。CT4-V and CT5-V通过该技术生产的标志,HVAC和传输组件运输。但是,电动汽车仍然具有新颖性,因为它是在通用汽车全球技术中心建造的第一款生产工具,该工具自1956年以来一直是其研发核心。

In terms of design philosophy, the Celestiq is being built around通用汽车的Ultium平台,,,,a flexible EV architecture that encompasses battery cells, modules, packs, drive units, motors and power electronics. In the words of GM, the Ultium workflow allows for “streamlined vehicle assembly” in a way that yields cost efficiency, as well as cars that feature “outstanding power, range and performance.”

As the first car built at GM’s Global Technical Center, the Celestiq will be in the unique position to be able to take advantage of its Additive Industrialization Center, which opened there in 2020. In practice, this will see the EV fitted with a combination of structural and cosmetic 3D printed parts, while also being assembled using a variety of additive manufactured tooling, fixtures and gauges.

在2022年7月下旬的Celestiq Show Car Play首次亮相之前,通用汽车已承诺8100万美元用于其生产,这些资金将用于购买和安装手工制造所需的设备。该公司的全球制造业和可持续性副总裁杰拉尔德·约翰逊(Gerald Johnson)表示,这项投资表明了它如何继续致力于其环境议程。


Cadillac Celestiq的预告片。图像通过通用汽车授权。
Cadillac Celestiq的预告片。图像通过通用汽车授权。


由于汽车世界的竞争性质,制造商不会倾向于宣传其对尖端技术的采用,但已知世界上许多最大的是3D印刷者。艾伦·李(Ellen Lee)在2022年3月在3D印刷行业讲话时透露福特’s 3D printing activities现在,从可视化流体流到生产用于风洞测试的原型。

Over in Germany,Audi还增加了对汽车3D打印热形式工具at its facility in Ingolstadt. By expanding its use ofEOS系统,该公司表示,现在能够产生太瓦elve different segments of four hot forming tools at the facility, which are later used to assemble cars such as the A4 saloon.

宝马同时,已经宣布添加剂制造成功的工业化via its IDAM project. Over the last three years, the initiative has seen the company and its partners establish two automotive 3D printing production lines, capable of independently churning out around 50,000 parts per year.

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特色图片显示了新的凯迪拉克·塞莱斯蒂克(Cadillac Celestiq)的预告片。图像通过通用汽车授权。