
Kitplane Building通过MakEreplane提升至新级别

赖特兄弟et al的达芬奇的脚步声航空历史中的一个新篇章可以从3D打印场景中出现。见面makerplane.是DIY飞机的开源项目。这为此开辟了一个新的方面航空和3D印刷业的未来


这种迭代的透视具有其在Kitplane-田地的根源,其中阻止了更广泛的受众们被更广泛的观众听到的主要挑战似乎是缺乏支持的差的建筑技术和指示。MakEreplane项目解决了所有这些问题,同时尝试将整体成本推动到涉及更多人。然而,与许多其他3D打印项目一样,MakEreplane还要求您拥有数控机械和可用的3D打印机 - 无论是您的个人或公共设备。


But all is not for the charity, naturally, as flipping the project coin reveals an inevitable economical side as well, not just for the companies already in the business, but for the active plane makers themselves.

The magnitude of the MakerPlane –project can not yet be fully determined, but we will certainly be keeping a very close eye on this enthusiastic open source community to see what they will eventually come up with.