

The2021 3D印刷行业奖候选名单愿意投票,现在就有发言权。

食品3D打印机制造商byFlow已经展示了其最新的专利技术World’s 50 Best Restaurants Awards 2021在比利时安特卫普。

The company demonstrated the capabilities of itsnewly patented通过3D打印个性化巧克力制造食品的打印头,该公司被认为是通过添加剂制造制作最棘手的成分之一。

BYFLOW的首席技术官兼联合创始人Floris Hoff说:“我们首先聆听并观察了市场。”“一个重要的结论是,我们的客户对3D食品印刷技术的极大兴趣一直对个性化巧克力印刷。”

A panther silhouette 3D printed with chocolate using byFlow’s patented technology. Photo via byFlow.


Byflow的食品印刷技术已经开发了七年,在那段时间在各种事件中展示and even向女王伊丽莎白二世女王颁发.

2019年,该公司宣布与基于Eindhoven的制造商合作VDL凹槽tomanufacture and assemble its byFlow 3D printers. Soon after, Rotterdam-basedVerstegen香料和调味料宣布是first company to use byFlow’s Focus 3D Food Printerwith ready-to-use fillings. Verstegen had previously提供的串行和美食印刷填充物, including flavors such as beetroot and cardamom.

Since then, byFlow’s 3D printers have been used by researchers from the瓦格宁根大学and the瓦伦西亚大学选择一系列micro-algae-based cereal snacks, and have been installed and used around the globe within R&D settings.

Further examples of 3D printed chocolate produced via byFlow’s food 3D printer. Photo via byFlow.

3D printing chocolate with byFlow’s patented technology

byFlow has now been granted a专利in Europe for its food 3D printing system’s print head, with a further patent expected to be granted in the US later this year.





“We found that this ingredient is one of the hardest to print with, since it is reliant on a precise tempering and cooling process,” said Hoff. “At the same time, it is an exciting ingredient to combine with 3D printing since the characteristics of the ingredient make almost any 3D shape possible.


ByFlow’s newly patented food 3D printing technology. Photo via byFlow.

The company is also working on other applications for its newly patented technology, with the ultimate aim of creating a 3D printer that can make personalized nutrition possible. Alongside other developments, the firm’s team has successfully experimented with producing 3D printed personalized snacks.

Byflow的首席执行官兼联合创始人Nina Hoff,他被命名技术领域最有才华的女性之一在2018年的荷兰,补充说:“我们很高兴被邀请介绍我们多年来从事的最新发展,并在Antwerp动物园举行的世界50个最佳餐厅奖中向世界上最好的厨师展示了我们的最新发展。

“And we very much look forward to establishing new partnerships with food experts to further shape the future of food.”


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特色图片显示3D printed chocolate “labyrinth cake”. Photo via byFlow.
