
Artec Leo3D scanning helps Vorteq create “world’s fastest” cycling skinsuits for Olympic athletes

sports performance brandVorteqhas turned to Luxembourg-based 3D scanner manufacturerArtec 3d为骑自行车的人创建定制的空气动力皮肤套件。

Using a combination of Artec’s Leo 3D scanner, wind tunnels and engineering, Vorteq has designed what it claims to be one of the “world’s fastest” cycling skinsuits. The skinsuits are currently being worn by five different Olympic athletes at this year’s Tokyo Olympics, and are designed to be lightweight, breathable, and significantly reduce drag.

“我们的使命是帮助严重的运动员,很多的whom are already at the top of their game or near, find those many ‘tiny’ gains that when you add them all together, can really give an athlete the kind of edge that helps them surge over the top and on to victory,” said Sam Quilter, Metrology Engineer at Vorteq. “In contrast to our previous scanners, Leo gives us that flexibility to just pick up and go virtually anywhere in the world to do scanning, without requiring extra hardware, just the Leo itself.


Metrology Engineer Sam Quilter 3D scans a rider with Artec Leo. Image via Vorteq.
Metrology Engineer Sam Quilter 3D scans a rider with Artec Leo. Image via Vorteq.

Arctec 3D scanning

Aserial shortlister在3D印刷行业奖中 - 为此提名仍然开放在今年的活动中 - Artec 3D的产品线包括用于各种不同用途的EVA,太空蜘蛛,Leo和Ray扫描仪。

Artec的扫描仪以前已用于reverse engineering of componentsfor Marinebedrijf Koninklijke Marine, the material and asset maintenance company of the荷兰皇家海军, 并数字保存26英尺长的剑龙in the丹佛自然与科学博物馆经过Triebold古生物学

The firm’s scanners also have additionally been leveraged in the automotive sector for车辆恢复,并创建全身3D扫描海豚,鲨鱼和大乌龟create customized tracking tags提供有关迁移模式和海洋温度影响的信息。

Artec Leo3D scanner with Artec Studio software displaying scan of rider at Silverstone Sports Engineering Hub. Image via Vorteq.
Artec Leo3D scanner with Artec Studio software displaying scan of rider at Silverstone Sports Engineering Hub. Image via Vorteq.



Vorteq is making use of the Silverstone Sports Engineering Hub (SSEH)’s sports-dedicated and fabric wind tunnels and the latest 3D scanning technology to create custom skinsuits for cyclists that reduce this air resistance, but that are also comfortable, lightweight, and breathable.

Artec 3D的Artec Leo手持式扫描仪是皮肤设计设计中的关键元素,可用于在不到六分钟的时间内以数字方式捕获骑手的精确解剖结构。该扫描仪具有内置的触摸屏和每秒捕获率的44帧,能够在几分钟内扫描中型物体(包括人)。

“骑手带着自行车进入风洞,将其安装在平台上,跳上啤酒,在狮子座的五到六分钟内,我以精确的高分辨率颜色3D捕获了两个位置,”缝说。“基本上,这意味着在十分钟之内,我可以完全完成那个骑手,他们可以去其他地方。我已经有了设计解剖学精确的快速效果的Vorteq Skinsuit所需的一切。不需要扫描的机会。不止一次。”

在制作皮肤套件时,Vorteq直接从Artec Leo的扫描中工作,该扫描提供了运动员的确切物理数据,以消除不准确性和不精确的测量。然后,将扫描在Artec的Studio软件中进行后处理工作流,工程师可以在其中仔细检查数据并删除任何罕见的不准确性或不需要的数据捕获,例如皱纹。

“从运动员走进门,我们开始与狮子座进行扫描,然后使用Artec Studio进行后处理扫描,然后在Geomagic Wrap中进行3D建模工作,最后导出3D模型,用于制作皮肤套装的3D模型,we are looking at about 2 hours total, which absolutely wasn’t possible in the past, not even close,” continued Quilter. “And as far as the total production time for a skinsuit that’s ready to race, currently we’re at 2 days, but that gap is narrowing, and we’re shooting for a 24-hour turnaround time, which we’re sure to hit before too long.”

Designing and creating Vorteq skinsuits. Image via Vorteq.
Designing and creating Vorteq skinsuits. Image via Vorteq.

Vorteq使用Artec Leo,还可以打印3D的运动员的解剖学模特,可用于为它们创建皮肤套件而无需尝试它们。人体模型允许Vorteq为运动员创建定制的鞋套,测试其风隧道中的多个面料和图案,并在随后的小时内制作Skinsuit,然后再将其交付给运动员的门。该过程目前需要不到两天的时间,尽管该公司希望将其加速到将来的24小时周转到将来的24小时周转。



Vorteq mannequin components ready for assembly and wind tunnel use. Photo via Vorteq.
Vorteq mannequin components ready for assembly and wind tunnel use. Photo via Vorteq.

How 3D printing is bolstering Olympic performance

多位奥运选手以前已经转向了其个性化装备的3D打印,以节省时间和体重,以及其他好处。例如,雪莉·安·弗雷泽·普里斯(Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce)3D printed running shoes在里约热内卢的最后一次奥运会上展出latest 3D printed 4DFWD midsolefrom阿迪达斯和3D打印机制造商目前,在东京的今年运动会上,几名运动员穿着。

以前,法国自行车联合会已部署定制的车把使用3D打印技术和全球工程公司产生空气动力学效率的提高Renishawhas partnered withLotus Engineeringand希望技术design a new track bike对于大不列颠自行车队。

最近,意大利国家自行车小组透露它已经使用了卡利伯3D扫描仪from Russian handheld 3D scanner developerThor3Dimprove its aerodynamics在东京奥运会的领导中。

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Featured image showsMetrology Engineer Sam Quilter 3D scans a rider with Artec Leo. Image via Vorteq.