
荷兰皇家荷兰航空公司recycles water bottles to make 3D printed tools

荷兰皇家荷兰航空公司正在回收PET瓶以创建3D打印设备。A reported first for any airline, this process aims to reduce engineering and maintenance costs, as well as have a more positive impact on the environment.

吨多特曼人, Executive Vice President Engineering & Maintenance (E&M), KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, explained,“我们不断投资于可持续和创新的产品和流程。



By 2030, KLM has launched the goal of reducing the volume of its waste by 50% (in comparison to levels in 2011.) As a result, the airline is increasing the use of materials that can be recycled, one of which is PET. Previously, KLM bought PET from external suppliers to support its E&M division. Now, it is gathering empty PET bottles from its flights and sending them to the Dutch recycling companymorssinkhof rymoplast。There, the plastic is exchanged for high-quality plastic pellets, which are then converted into filament byReflow

这些瓶子由Morssinkhof Rymoplast在TONNES中检索阿姆斯特丹机场Schipholon an annual basis, commencing the filament production process. According to KLM, its E&M division uses an estimated 1.5 kg of high-quality filament every day. As KLM now supplies PET bottles as raw material, the cost of this filament has dropped from €60/kg to just €17/kg. This has also made is 3D printing operations circular.

KLM is using theUltimaker S5 Pro Bundle由于其开放材料方法,要3D打印其工具。

可持续的3D打印灯丝由Ultimaker S5 Pro捆绑包装的PET Water Bottles制成,配备了空中经理和材料站。通过荷兰皇家荷兰航空公司的照片。


KLM E&M uses 3D printers to speed up its repair and maintenance processes. In the past, this has included the development of a plug to prevent rim holes being painted over in the finishing of a Boeing 737. Prior to the plug, disposable, protective tape would have been used. A 3D printed cover has also been created by KLM to help remove overhead baggage bins on board the Boeing 787, making it easier for one mechanic to carry out the task instead of two.

Outside of the E&M department, KLM partnered withLocal Makersto create custom,微型3D印刷房屋作为其商务舱客户的礼物。

Finishing touches to the custom 3D printed houses for KLM. Photo via Local Makers

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Featured image shows sustainable 3D printing filament made from PET water bottles. Photo via KLM Royal Dutch Airlines.