
Watch: 3D printed ice-skating robot at World Economic Forum 2019

在今年世界经济论坛in Davos,ETH Zurich的机器人工程师展示了他们的自我学习冰雪机器人,名为SkaterBot。

Eth Zurich展示了机器人Stelian Coros,Skaterbot的共同创造者,计算机机器人实验室的教授,“我设想在不久的将来有一个时刻目前是用乐高积木制造结构。”


近年来,机器人技术领域已获得帮助3D打印技术的手。Due to its design and manufacturing capabilities, the technology is also being researched in the field of软机器人技术

科罗斯教授本人已经进行了广泛的研究机器人技术3D printing technology。在最近举行的苏黎世举行的重新思考设计展览中作为2019年世界经济论坛的一部分,在达沃斯,科罗斯教授和他的团队展示了两种版本的滑冰鞋,另一个带有轮子腿,另一个带有冰滑冰刀片。

滑冰机在研究中起源于滑冰机器人:带腿和车轮的机器人生物的基于优化的设计和运动合成which introduced the computational design approach to making 3D printed robots.





Furthermore, in the design stage, the robot can be directed that it should reach a certain point on the z-axis. If the point is too high for the height of the robot the computational design optimization algorithm adjusts the dimensions of the robot.

“we developed a suite of user-guided computational tools that support manual, semi-automatic and fully automatic optimization of the robot’s physical dimensions.”

Automatic optimization of the robot’s dimensions. Image via ACM Transactions on Graphics.

A modular 3D printed robot

As the interactive design capability can generate various versions of the Skaterbot, 3D printing technology is a perfect fit to build it. The limbs of the Skaterbot have a modular design and can be 3D printed. For their study, the ETH engineers made the Skaterbot limbs with aStratasysF370 3D打印机。机器人的其他组件包括Tgy-306伺服电机,一个PololuMaestro USB控制器和7.4V电池。

Appraising the efforts of his team at the Davos conference, Professor Coros said, “Considering that these are our first baby steps on ice, I think that our robot did quite well.”

3D printed leg of the Skaterbot before assembly. Image via ACM Transactions on Graphics.
3D printed leg of the Skaterbot before assembly. Image via ACM Transactions on Graphics.

本研究中讨论的论文标题为滑冰机器人:带腿和车轮的机器人生物的基于优化的设计和运动合成它发表在图形上的ACM交易日记并由莫里茨·盖林格(Moritz Geilinger),罗伊·波兰(Roi Poranne),鲁塔·德赛(Ruta Desai),伯恩哈德·托马斯尤斯基(Bernhard Thomaszewski)和斯特利安·科罗斯(Stelian Coros)共同撰写。

Nominations for 3D Printing Awards 2019现在开放。花点时间选择最佳的研究团队。

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特色图片显示了埃兹·苏黎世(Etz Zurich)的冰上滑冰运动。通过YouTube上的Eth Zurich剪辑