

三角形, a Spanish 3D printer manufacturer, has announced a strategic collaboration withElnik Systems,美国金属注塑成型(MIM)设备的制造商。该合作伙伴关系将为Tridive的Scaladd财团提供MIM脱落的熔炉和工具。

Last year, the company establishedSCALADD,一个提供高容量交钥匙服务的增材制造中心。这个中心有几个Amcell 3D打印机, hybrid systems for metals and polymers, designed for mass production.

Scaladd联盟, which aims to expand the adoption of metal additive manufacturing, currently includes the拉斯帕尔马斯大学格兰加纳里亚大学(ULPGC), the MediaLab of the奥维耶大学, andEcrimesa集团,制造商MIM零件。

Tridive的首席执行官MarielDíazCastro说:“我们有一个明确的目标,可以与Elnik Systems合作:证明AM已准备好使用AMCELL自动化机器在金属中进行大规模制造。”

AMCELL 3D打印机通过Tridive。Photo via TRIDITIVE
AMCELL 3D打印机通过Tridive。通过Tridive。

High volume metal additive manufacturing

DuringFormnext 2018加速,TRIDITIVE宣布意图the adoption of serial additive manufacturing of metal parts. As such, the company began using theUltrafuse 316LX灯丝,来自BASF一家德国化学公司。

Castro补充说,该材料与注入不锈钢颗粒的聚合物与Amcell 3D打印机同时起作用,以生产具有“孔隙度相似,类似于通常从MIM获得的孔隙率”。

AMCELL is a conveyor belt 3D printer, capable of producing up to 10,000 parts per month. Enabled by its control software and remote monitoring, the AMCELL is making additive manufacturing a viable solution for continuous high volume manufacturing. SCALADD intends to have a production capacity of up to 30,000 parts per month with such systems.

Parts manufactured with AMCELL and Ultrafuse 316LX. Image via TRIDITIVE
Parts manufactured with AMCELL and Ultrafuse 316LX. Image via TRIDITIVE.



此外,Oviedo University的Medialab计划通过开发添加剂制造和研究项目中的专门培训来建立工程学生与Scaladd之间的联系。卡斯特罗解释说:

“We share a common goal attempting to implement new training methods that may be implemented by Universities, but also provide the manufacturing industry with new professionals with skills in AM this technology will help the manufacturing industry to innovate and to be more competitive.”

“[The] collaboration with ECRIMESA will extend the potential market for MIM industry and will guarantee the possibility to provide the industry our high level of metal production with the highest quality.”

All members prior to Elnik Systems joined the consortium in December 2018.

Scaladd AM培训计划。图像通过Tridive。
Scaladd AM培训计划。图像通过Tridive。

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