
Sliced 3D Printing Digest: Concept Laser, Boeing, Bournemouth University, Feetz, Stratasys Direct Manufacturing and Bell Helicopter

在本周切成薄片的文摘中,我们收录了Burloak Technologies,GoEngineer,Concept Laser,Boeing,Togez,Stratasys Direct Manufacturing,Bell Helicopter和Bournemouth University举办的IP活动的3D印刷新闻。

Canadian Samuel, Son & Co moves into metal AM

Canadian metal manufacturersSamuel, Son & Co已签署了收购增材制造公司的协议Burloak技术.

Burloak技术is a metal additive manufacturing provider that operates from Ontario, Canada. Samuel will use this acquisition to enter into the metal additive manufacturing market.

DML添加金属制造样品零件。通过Burloak Technologies的照片。
DML添加金属制造样品零件。通过Burloak Technologies的照片。

Colin Osborn, President of Samuel Manufacturing, says,

We are very excited about this announcement and what it will mean to Samuel and its customers. Every indicator is pointing to additive manufacturing and 3D printing being a disruptive technology in many of the industries we supply.

Concept Laser partner with GoEngineer

GoEngineer is a service and support provider of 3D printed and CAD/CAM solutions. In this partnership, the company are a marketing channel Concept Laser’s metal additive manufacturing systemssuch as the M2 Cusing machine.

布拉德·汉森, CEO of GoEngineer, comments,

The relationship with Concept Laser presents a powerful opportunity for GoEngineer to understand and assist our customers as they develop strategies to move into the metals market while minimizing risk. While there are other 3D metal printing manufacturers, Concept Laser was the best choice based on global performance, market share and relentless innovation.

Feetz 3D print shoes for former world’s tallest teen

布罗克·布朗(Broc Brown)是密歇根州的7英尺8英寸高少年。患有罕见的医疗状况意味着Broc每年平均生长6英寸,这可能会无限期地持续下去。

With the SizeMe 3D scanning app fromCalifornian company Feetz,Broc能够为自己的28英尺设计完美的鞋子。然后,这双鞋由公司印刷,并在2周内运送到Broc。

feetz首席执行官露西·比尔德(Lucy Beard)说,

我们从来没有做过鞋这么大,但是我们just excited to get Broc some comfy shoes. We’re really just honored to do this.

Bric Brown (right) holds one of his custom 3D printed Feetz shoes next to an average sized Feetz on the left. Photo via Jackson Citizen Patriot
Bric Brown (right) holds one of his custom 3D printed Feetz shoes next to an average sized Feetz on the left. Photo via Jackson Citizen Patriot

Going for Gold: 3D Printing, Jewellery and the Future of Intellectual Property

Bournemouth University in the UK is holding an event to discuss the future of intellectual property (IP) in relation to 3D printing.该活动是免费参加的,将于2017年3月24日星期五在该大学的执行商业中心举行。

Discussion will be led by academics from five of the UK’s universities and industry professionals such as Michael Weinberg from Shapeways Inc.

黄金珠宝照片通过GOLD GOLD:3D打印,珠宝和Eventbrite上知识产权的未来
黄金珠宝。通过GOND GOLD:3D打印,珠宝和Eventbrite上知识产权的未来的照片

Solvay supporting Oxford Performance Materials in 3D printing

化学公司Solvay, headquartered in Belgium,已经揭示了它的支持Oxford Performance Materialsin the their为波音的Starliner开发3D打印零件.

Bernard Plishtin, Chief Business Development Officer at Oxford Performance Materials, says,


A 3D printed part for the Boeing CST-100 Starliner. Photo via Oxford Performance Materials
A 3D printed part for the Boeing CST-100 Starliner. Photo via Oxford Performance Materials

Stratasys Direct Manufacturing 3D printing used to make spare parts for helicopters

贝尔直升机Textron Inc.为了减少为飞机制作备件所花费的成本和时间,使用了Stratasys Direct Direct Manufacturing提供的激光烧结(LS)技术。

A number of air ducts have been consolidated into one part and 3D printed using this method. The nylon parts are to be used in the air conditioning system of a Bell 429 helicopter.


Stratasys Direct Manufacturing的质量经理Grant Shirley,评论,

After every build, we test for tensile and flexural properties. By following these checks, Stratasys Direct Manufacturing was able to execute the process with excellent repeatability and quality.

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