Medical & Dental

Rapid Shape launches RS inline 3D printer for high-volume dental aligner production

德国3D打印机制造商Rapid Shape已经发布了一台新的DLP机器,该机器专门为满足牙科行业的客户需求而设计。

Named theRS inline, the printer is optimized for producing high-volumes of transparent aligner models cost-effectively. Rapid Shape’s system automatically ejects finished parts which enables it to fabricate over 4,000 objects per day, and by chaining the printers together, users can form an additive dental production line.

借助其创新的后处理系统,该机器还可以自动化并简化了印刷后的工作流程,同时减少了材料浪费。据快速形状的首席执行官安德烈亚斯·舒尔蒂斯(Andreas Schultheiss)表示,“不仅节省了由异丙醇引起的昂贵且较少的生态处理,而且树脂成本也可以降低15%。”

Rapid Shape: the DLP specialist

快速形状总部位于德国,为其在牙科,珠宝,工业用品和助听器行业中的核心客户基础开发了3D打印机。该公司的机器由其专利驱动Force Feedback DLP printingprocess, which uses a measuring device to monitor the separating forces during printing.

根据快速形状,这加速了生产,同时产生了增强质量的一部分,并且该技术仍然是其机器性能的核心。2018年,该公司推出了新的范围3D printers for the hearing aid industry, which included the DLP-powered Studio-Line HA20 II, HA30 II and HA40 II.

While the HA20 II has been designed to rapidly produce parts in small quantities, the HA30 II and HA40 II are more focused on fabricating objects in higher numbers. The HA90, meanwhile, features an automatic platform changer, that provides users with high-speed manufacturing at a cost-efficient price point.

最近,该公司试图扩展其技术的应用程序与亨克尔合作to develop new materials, and验证Keystone Industries的生物相容性树脂for use with its machines. Now, with the launch of its new dental system, Rapid Shape is once again investing in, and building on its hardware portfolio.

Up to five of the company's new machines can be connected together to form a dental production line. Photo via Rapid Shape.


Rapid Shape的最新机器包含多个功能,这些功能旨在使牙科用户从生产过程中提高生产力。首先,该系统能够在8小时内创建300款型号,如果连接了多台打印机,则该数字在短短24小时内可能会增加到4,000多个。

The RS inline automatically pushes out any finished products within 2 minutes, making it time-efficient, and potentially an attractive option for both dental labs and factories. Additionally, if users do opt to chain a series of machines together, they can all be server controlled using the company’s proprietary RSPC application.

自定义软件决定哪种打印机具有备用容量,并将其自动放入the job queue, while providing traceability for every part to ensure that standards and efficiency remain high. “We know how time-consuming job creation and the control of production processes are,” said Karsten Müller, Sales Director at Rapid Shape.

The RS inline's post-processing unit could allow adopters to re-use up to 15% of their material again. Photo via Rapid Shape.
The RS inline’s post-processing unit could allow adopters to re-use up to 15% of their material again. Photo via Rapid Shape.

“That‘s why the RSPC is the perfect solution to automate, track and monitor production,” he added. While Rapid Shape’s printer is powered by its customary DLP force-feedback technology, its post-processing unit features a brand new RS clean-C centrifuge, that serves to simplify and accelerate the entire process.


The RS inline is also an open-material system, allowing users to source resins locally, and change them depending on the application or customer needs. Rapid Shape has installed several of the new printers for its major global clients over the course of this year, and it’s now available for purchase via the company’s website.


As biocompatible resins become more readily-available, an increasing number of firms have either started offering dental 3D printing services, or producing systems that allow clients to do so themselves.

formlabshas targeted the dental market with therelease of its 3Band3BLmachines, and even launched a dedicated business unit calledFormlabs牙科. The desktop SLA 3D printers are designed to digitize, streamline and expedite the production of parts, so that dentists can focus on improving patient outcomes.

Elsewhere, Singapore-based dental 3D printer OEMStructohas partnered with digital dentistry firmULAB系统to简化正畸对准器的生产. The collaboration saw uLab’s uDesign planning software integrated into Structo’sDentaForm 3D printer,with the aim of optimizing its performance.

Similarly, Multi Jet Fusion (MJF) system manufacturer生命值has worked with teledentistry companySmileDirectClub, 至增加的生产定制的调整器. The company ran 49 HP 3D printers 24/7, seven days per week, to produce more than 50,000 unique mouth molds each day.

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Featured image shows several of Rapid Shape’s RS inline systems connected together. Photo via Rapid Shape.