
ORNL科学家开发了耐热的“强大Mo” EBM 3D打印材料

Scientists from橡树岭国家实验室(ORNL)开发了一种新的钼(MO)配方,该配方专门针对电子束熔化(EBM)3D打印机使用。

By mixing molybdenum with titanium carbide (TiC) powders, the ORNL team have been able to create a ‘Mighty Mo’ material, that overcomes the alloy’s usual brittleness and oxygen reactivity. Once EBM 3D printed, the metal matrix composite yields dense, crack-free parts that are capable of enduring extreme temperatures, potentially making it ideal for use within demanding aerospace applications.

Ornl的Mike Kirka说:“我们的结果表明,机械合金的金属基质复合粉的制造是可行的。”“熔融粉末形成的结构可以承受高温,表明钼及其合金可用于航空航天和能量转换应用。”

ORNL团队3D印刷的“ Mighty Mo”材料的SEM图像。通过ORNL图像。


As a refractory metal, molybdenum features several properties that make it an attractive option for deployment within ultra-temperature-sensitive areas. The alloy is characterized by an elevated melting point of 2622oC as well as a low thermal expansion coefficient, heat conductivity and corrosion resistance, but it’s also known to show poor toughness at certain temperatures.


早在2017年,来自奥地利粉末生产商的研究人员Plansee Groupdid manage to use simulation data to quantify how molybdenum’s particle size contributes to its SLM printing sensitivity, but didn’t resolve the issue outright. By contrast, the ORNL team has now found that by adding TiC particles to the alloy and switching to EBM, that it’s possible to fabricate microstructures with new levels of robustness and rigidity.

ORNL团队的定制EBM 3D打印机。
The ORNL team used a customized Arcam 3D printer (pictured) to conduct their study. Image via the Additive Manufacturing for Energy Applications journal.



为了处理他们的新粉末,ORNL团队开发了一个定制的Arcam S12 EBM 3D打印机,由由活塞,进料器,耙子和餐桌粉末床输送系统组成的改良构建室。该机器的升级有效地针对小型构建进行了优化,同时实现了高级过程监控和次要材料进料。

研究人员利用他们的机器选择了3D打印的六个零件,这些零件是用三明治结构的12毫米(d)x 13 mm(h),其中包含一层强大的MO,这些Mo包裹在两层纯钼之间。有趣的是,SEM成像表明,没有一个纯样品遭受任何破裂,但由于粉末扩散,它们确实表现出一些表面上的不一致。




尽管3D打印纯无裂纹的钼仍然具有挑战性,但许多材料制造商都设法将合金与其他金属混合在一起,以生产更加可加工的产品。Farsoon例如,客户Hiwing Titanium Industrial最近开发了其热耐药性Mo-infused ‘TA32’3D printing material.

Capable of withstanding operating temperatures of up to 550oC,该金属设计为替代钢或镍基超合金。同样,新加坡的科学家以前已经设法提高了Mo-loaded Inconel 625 alloy, by mixing it with titanium diboride nanoparticles.

在其他地方,3D打印机OEMMeltiohas revealed that it too isvalidating molybdenum与最新版本的专有Meltio引擎一起使用。在成功测试了不锈钢,Inconel(718和625)和TI-6AL-4V(5年级和23年级)后,该公司现在正在验证铜,铝,钨,X9,X9和Gold等。

The researchers’ findings are detailed in their paper titled “通过电子束粉末床融合的纯MO和MO+MO+TIC MMC合金制造。”这项研究由克里斯托弗·洛克(Christopher Rock),埃德加·拉拉·库尔齐奥(Edgar Lara-Curzio),贝蒂·埃利斯(Betsy Ellis),克里斯托弗·莱德福德(Christopher Ledford),多诺万·伦纳德(Donovan N.


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特色图像显示了ORNL团队3D打印的“ Mighty Mo”材料的SEM图像。通过ORNL图像。