

3D printed electronics providerNano Dimension总部位于以色列,已与韩国技术创新中心签署了一份理解备忘录(MOU)Chungbuk Technopark(CBTP)。这两个组织将努力简化电子制造过程链。合作的产品将使该地区电子行业的各个领域受益,涵盖消费品,运输,能源,生物健康和智能IT(例如IoT类型设备)。纳米尺寸DragonFly additive manufacturing systemwill be at the core of their work.

Render showing all angles of the DragonFly 2020 Pro 3D printer. Images via Nano Dimension
蜻蜓Pro 3D打印机。通过纳米尺寸的图像

3D printing for “high-tech electronics” in South Korea


Nano Dimension成立于2014年,为3D打印嵌入,多层层和软件提供硬件,材料和软件非平面电子产品。公司的完整包装为制造商提供了更快,更具成本效益的解决方案,可用于PCB/电子产品开发。最终,该公司设想它也将能够将其技术应用于定制电子设备的最终用途生产。

蜻蜓2020 3D打印电路板的示例。通过FAPS纽伦堡的图像

尽管10月28日标志着Nano Dimension与CBTP合作的首次公开和正式宣布,但该中心的研究人员已经与Draginfly System进行了一些开发工作。功能齐全的3D打印的物联网通信设备是其合作伙伴关系的第一个产品。团队也生产了PCB中的电容器和蜻蜓上的侧架板。借助这些新颖的发展,制造商可以在不断变化的电子设计中节省宝贵的空间和重量。Nano Dimension首席执行官Amit Dror说:“我们很荣幸与CBTP […]合作,不断推进电子产品的增材制造,并为创新应用铺平道路。”“我们一直在不断开发和展示令人兴奋的新应用程序,并为客户提供电子设计和制造的最先进解决方案。

“By collaborating with our customers and partners, we can combine both parties’ knowledge and expertise for developing the next generation capabilities in additive manufacturing of electronics.”

韩国政府对3D印刷行业的投资,the nation that CBTP represents is committed to becoming a hub for excellence in electronics. Song I. Hun, Director of the Semiconductor IT Center at CBTP, commented, “This research agreement is an excellent platform to work together with Nano Dimension on a long-term program of research focused on the crucial design and prototyping phases of innovative electronic projects,

“By combining our know-how from industrial players and academia with Nano dimension’s expertise in precision 3D printing, our researchers will have the tools to accelerate growth in the high-tech electronics arena in Korea.”

A new strategy for Nano Dimension

以下结果低于管理层对第二季度和H1 2019的期望,纳米维度一直在进行strategic restructuringof late. This has included a “review of strategic alternatives,” and saw Nano Dimension CBO and Co-Founder西蒙·弗里德(Simon Fried)to step back on to the company’s board of directors. The launch of the company’s new蜻蜓LDM模型(代表“灯出来的数字制造”)也是该公司前进的重要组成部分,这意味着转向更高的电子吞吐量。Dror在宣布这一策略时说:“我们认为,我们采取了公司产品和结构的综合行动,以提高可持续增长。”

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