

A team of researchers from汉阳大学,首尔有3D打印的塑料闪光灯,能够以高效的方式检测伽马辐射。DLP打印的零件已针对市售的闪烁体BC408进行了测试,并且该团队发现他们的创造表现出相似的衰减时间和内在的检测效率。研究人员现在想进一步开发研究并制定一种新的树脂食谱,该食谱在存在伽马射线的情况下创建具有高密度和更高检测效率的部分。

DLP 3 d印刷塑料闪烁体。vi形象a Hanyang University.
DLP 3 d印刷塑料闪烁体。vi形象a Hanyang University.


A scintillator is quite simply an instrument for detecting and measuring ionizing radiation. It relies on the excitation effect of incident radiation on a scintillating material, whereby the material gives off visible light in the presence of ionizing rays. The resultant pulses of light can be precisely measured to give an indication of the amount of radiation in the vicinity.



塑料闪光灯'glow' when irradiated. Photo via Eljen Technology.
塑料闪光灯‘glow’ when irradiated. Photo via Eljen Technology.

DLP for radiation detection

The team started off by formulating the special recipe for the scintillating photopolymer resin. They based the material on an acrylic monomer with naphthalene as the solvent. The scintillators themselves were printed on anAsiga Pico2UV DLP 3D printer. Once the samples were prepped, they had to be tested for their decay time and efficiency and compared with a commercially available scintillator – BC408.


尽管测得的值听起来很低,但它们俩都与行业标准BC408闪烁体非常紧密。结果导致研究人员得出结论,其配制的树脂和打印参数可以可靠地用于快速定时检测目的和高计数速率的环境中 - 所有这些都包含在具有成本效益且可定制的软件包中。

The scintillators when in standard conditions (A) and when irradiated (B). Photos via Hanyang University.

该研究的更多细节可以在标题为“”的论文中找到Performance of 3D printed plastic scintillators for gamma-ray detection’。它由Dong-Geon Kim,Sangmin Lee,Junesic Park,Jaebum Son,Tae Hoon Kim,Yong Hyun Kim,Kihong Pak和Yong Kyun Kim合着。

The additive manufacturing of sensors and detectors has really started to gain some traction in the academic community. Recently,a team of researchers from theUniversity of WashingtonandSandia National Laboratories3D printed a working carbon monoxide detector. The scientists decorated a reduced graphene oxide (rGO) sensor medium with a printed tin dioxide (SnO2) semiconductor catalyst, producing a detector that functioned at room temperature with a fast response time.

Elsewhere, in China, researchers3D打印了灵活的运动传感器using consumer-grade DLP technology. The wearable sensor was based on a tough and conductive polymer hydrogel with an impressive set of mechanical and electro-conductive properties.

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Featured image shows plastic scintillators glowing when irradiated. Photo via Eljen Technology.