
Impact Innovations develops nitrogen gas-propelled cold spray AM process for Ti-6Al-4V

Impact Innovations是工业冷喷雾系统的德国领导者,已为TI-6AL-4V开发了一种冷喷雾添加剂制造工艺,该过程使用氮气作为推进剂。

Ti-6Al-4V is considered a particularly challenging material to use within cold spray deposition processes due to the material’s high critical velocities, which tend to result in cold spray deposits higher than three percent.

However, Impact Innovations’ new method has achieved porosity levels lower than 0.2 percent while the final mechanical properties of the material exceed the requirements laid out by ASTM F3001, ISO 5832-3, and AMS 4930 standards.

A cross section of Impact Innovations' cold sprayed Ti-6Al-4V alloy. Image via Impact Innovations.
A cross section of Impact Innovations’ cold sprayed Ti-6Al-4V alloy. Image via Impact Innovations.




冷喷漆制造has been开发了一段时间by the likes ofGE, whose technology was used by engineers at GE Aviation FirmAvio Aero修理变速箱GE90 engine, 和SPEE3D,以其冷喷雾技术的形式将其冷喷雾技术商业化Lightspee3d3D printer.

2018年,科学家加拿大国家研究委员会(NRC) created高性能磁铁对于使用冷喷雾技术的电动机,一年后引入了一项新计划探索进一步的研究,开发和采用冷喷雾添加剂制造。在其他地方,美国陆军已授予了几所大学的资金开发新材料以及使用冷喷雾技术,用于研究目的以及for the battlefield.

Most recently, researchers fromMITCornell University研究了一种涉及Ti64粉末的冷喷雾技术,通过该技术,他们发现材料的冷喷涂可能会导致机械性能优于其他基于激光的3D打印技术的机械性能。

The SPEE3D metal cold spray additive process. Clip via Michael Petch
The SPEE3D metal cold spray additive process. Clip via Michael Petch


Ti-6Al-4V is an alloy typically used in marine and defense applications such as aerospace structural parts, gas turbine components, and biomedical prostheses. Previously, the material has been challenging to print via cold spray deposition due to the need to overcome the material’s high critical velocities during the deposition process, which can lead to a high level of porosity within the printed material.

为此,Impact Innovations开发了一种新颖的方法,该方法将其冷喷涂硬件,过程参数和治疗后技术结合在一起,成功地将孔隙率水平低于0.2%的冷喷雾剂TI-6AL-4V。该过程使用氮用作推动气体,根据公司的技术,其技术对于制造大型零件特别有用,目前,由于设备尺寸的限制或该设备限制,目前对目前可用的粉末床融合(PBF)3D打印过程具有挑战性需要保护气氛。

The cold spraying technique operates at a temperature far below that of titanium’s melting point, instead utilizing kinetic energy as the primary energy source to give the jetted material just enough energy to fuse with the substrate. Through this, residual stresses such as warping, cracking, and distortion sometimes resulting from high-temperature 3D printing, can be avoided altogether.



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Featured image shows a cross section of Impact Innovations’ cold sprayed Ti-6Al-4V alloy. Image via Impact Innovations.