

活页夹3D打印机制造商Exonehas revealed that its annual revenue increased by 11% during 2020, alongside a significant advance in the R&D of its proprietary technology.

During Q4 2020, ExOne generated $17.4 million in revenue, which was flat compared to Q4 2019, but it still contributed to an 11% overall rise for the year. The firm has credited its success through the pandemic-stricken period to growing interest in its technologies, a point accentuated by its recent breakthrough working with福特,在其中开发了一种新颖的方法,即3D打印轻质铝制零件。

福特AM技术负责人哈罗德·西尔斯(Harold Sears)表示:“这是为汽车行业制作3D打印和烧结零件的突破。”“高速铝3D打印为我们刚刚开始研究的其他机会铺平了道路,因为有能力用以前无法使用的铝进行复杂的零件。”



Exone’s revenue is reported across two main segments, with the first including 3D Printing Machines, and the second comprising 3D Printed and Other Products, as well as the firm’s Materials and Services. In Q4 2020, the company’s Machines division generated $9.8 million, and although this represents an 8% decline on the $10.7 million raised in Q4 2019, it fed into a wider FY 2020 annual increase of 15%.

根据哈特纳(Hartner)的说法,Exone“在2020年h2 2020期间达到了超过20%的一流增长”,这在很大程度上是由于其工业3D打印机的更高单位销售所致。结果,该公司在机器收入中的第四季度降低可以看作是销售系统价值的下降,而不是客户需求下降的症状。

By contrast, ExOne’s 3D Printed, Other Products, Materials, and Services segment performed better during Q4 2020, growing by 12% compared to Q4 2019. While both the firm’s core segments continued to be impacted by COVID-19, pandemic-induced shipping disruption appears to have affected its Machine division more severely.

在结果的出版物出版物之后,该公司的股票在早期交易中下降了5%,因为投资者确定了速度放缓在第三季度看到60%的增长, and an annual decline in Q4. However, given that ExOne’s stock has risen by over 250% since the turn of year, the blip is unlikely to affect investor confidence for very long.

细分收入($) 2019年第四季度 2020年第四季度 +/-(%) 2019财年 2020财年 +/-(%)
3D Printing Machines 107m 9.8m -8 27.2m 314m +15
3D打印,其他产品,材料和服务 6.8m 7.6m +12 26m 27.8m +7
总收入 17.5m 174m -0.5 533m 593m +11


Alongside the release of its financials, ExOne also revealed that it has successfully worked with Ford to develop a new, more rapid process of binder jetting aluminum. The novel approach, which is expected to be patented imminently, reportedly yields ultra-light components, with properties similar to those produced using die casting.


Exone首席执行官约翰·哈特纳(John Hartner)解释说:“开发一种快速,负担得起且简单的方法,使用传统材料特性,这是迈向轻巧的关键一步。”“我们的世界一流的工程师和科学家专注于解决3D打印技术的最棘手问题,这一成就对我们所有人来说都是真正的胜利。”


在过去的六个月中,Exone不仅受益于竞争对手在粘合剂喷射中产生的兴趣桌面金属的高调合并$ 25亿美元,但也取得了长足的进步。例如,公司的收入得到了美国空军contract during Q4, in which it developed a新颖的钢3D打印过程

通过推出新的公司,该公司的金库进一步加强了S-Max优化的Desanding Station,和创新+机器的安装为了FreeFORM Technologies2020年12月。自2021年初以来,Exone还投入了大量投资,以扩大其投资组合以推动未来的增长,包括推出新的成本比较工具

更重要的是,该公司最近与Rapidia发起就职典礼Metal Designlab system and X1F furnace。新机器是Exone的第一个包括Rapidia专有的“两步”技术,毫无疑问,它们的吸收对于该公司未来一年的收入表现至关重要。

Elsewhere, ExOne has been contracted by the美国国防部to develop a‘mobile 3D printing factory,’并命名ABC Corporationas adistribution partner in Korea, both deals which will factor into its Q1 2021 financials.


鉴于ExOne以2020年的结尾,有史以来最大的订单积压为3940万美元,因此预测,未来一年的收入增长在15至25%之间。截至2020年12月31日,该公司还拥有5,970万美元的流动资本,此后已由该公司提高出售约1亿美元的股份during last month.


“While there are still some headwinds as a result of COVID-19, which continue to influence the timing of our customers’ capital spending, and cause operational disruption and compressed margins in the mid-term, our backlog growth, refreshed product portfolio, and enhanced liquidity supports our projected revenue growth,” concluded Hartner.




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