
ETH Zurich creates first 3D printed concrete bridge without reinforcement

一种rchitects and engineers from苏黎世Eth的街区研究小组have used 3D printing to build a concrete footbridge that uses significantly less material and requires no steel or mortar reinforcement.

该结构称为“纹状体”,是与Zaha Hadid Architects, concrete 3D printing specialistIncremental3Dand building materials firmHolcim, and is supposedly the first 3D printed unreinforced concrete bridge. Stable thanks only to its geometry, the bridge is formed from a newly developed concrete that is printed at specific angles in blocks that are self-supporting.

“ 3D混凝土打印的精确方法使我们能够将传统拱形结构的原理与数字混凝土制造结合起来,仅在没有产生废物的情况下在结构上是必要的,” ETH教授菲利普·布洛克说。

Eth Zurich的建筑3D打印项目

Researchers and engineers from ETH Zurich have been recently carrying out an array of construction projects using 3D printing technology.

In July 2020, they devised a novel“eggshell” concrete 3D printing processthat fuses robotic large-scale FDM 3D printing with casting methods. The method enables the production of complex concrete structures in a more material-efficient way, using a thin, single-layered shell in the place of formwork.

Formwork is usually required to support 3D printed concrete as it transitions from a fluid material into a solid, which can be costly. The eggshell 3D printing process removes the need for formwork, and was used to create a 3D printed “future tree” for the courtyard of German engineering firmBasler & Hofmann

ETH Zurich has also previously partnered with Zaha Hadid Architects to create a five-tonne3D printed curved shell concrete pavilionand todigitally fabricate a three-storey house使用3D打印机和机器人臂。最近,Eth Zurich Architects宣布了一个新项目,以建造一个23-meter high tower made up of 3D printed columnswhich will become a cultural site in Switzerland.

The 3D printed bridge, Stratius. Photo via Studio Naaro.
The 3D printed bridge, Striatus. Photo via Studio Naaro.

The 3D printed unreinforced bridge

The reinforced concrete currently used to construct millions of buildings all over the world generates large amounts of CO2 emissions, particularly the steel used for reinforcement and the cement used in concrete. ETH Zurich’s latest project sought to build a load-bearing concrete structure that requires significantly less material and no steel reinforcement or mortar for stability.


The 3D printable concrete used for the blocks was developed together with Incremental3D and Holcim, and instead of being applied horizontally like usual is extruded at specific angles so that they are orthogonal – at right angles – to the flow of compressive forces. This keeps the printed layers pressed together without the need for reinforcement or post-tensioning.

Made out of concrete blocks that are self-supporting, the bridge does not need mortar to hold together. This means that the blocks can be dismantled and reassembled again at different locations, and the materials can also be separated and recycled if the structure is no longer needed.

3D打印纹状体桥的混凝土块。通过Studio Naaro的照片。
3D打印纹状体桥的混凝土块。通过Studio Naaro的照片。

3D printing construction with concrete

与常规构造相比,混凝土3D打印产生了可观的成本和交货时间优势,因此该技术越来越多地用于构建。另外,通过回收additive manufactured formworksuch as that developed byBigrepandBASFsubsidiaryForward AM,据估计,建筑公司可以将相关废物减少多达60%。

On the topic of sustainability, scientists based at the斯威本技术大学andHebei University of Technology将建筑浪费变成了sustainable new 3D printing materialthat could potentially be used within heavy-duty construction applications.

研究人员还对3D可打印建筑材料进行了进一步研究RMIT Universityin Australia, who made 3D printed concrete structures stronger by从龙虾壳图案中汲取灵感。同时,来自UC Berkeleyhave been incorporating3D printed polymer octet lattices进入混凝土结构,其中聚合物充当增强。

3D打印技术也正在为几个商业建筑项目部署,例如PERI Group, which involves3D printing a three-floor apartment在德国,一个additive manufactured home最近列出的ICON在奥斯丁住房市场上。一种3D printed concrete bookstore在上海的Wisdom Bay创新公园也向公众开放,这是通过添加剂制造在公园建造的一系列建筑物中的最新作品。

Built from concrete blocks, the bridge does not require any support. Photo via Studio Naaro.
Built from concrete blocks, the bridge does not require any support. Photo via Studio Naaro.

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Featured image showsthe 3D printed bridge, Striatus. Photo via Studio Naaro.