
Dutch researchers successfully 3D print new type of antibacterial bone implant


利用一种称为血浆电解氧化的新型生物功能化方法,该团队能够用锶和银纳米颗粒加载植入物,从而在24小时内消除了臭名昭著的抗性金黄色葡萄球菌。研究人员认为,他们在锶和白银之间发现的协同抗菌行为可能会引起一种新型的植入物 - 这种植入物的维持度最低。



骨植入物是医疗器械行业中最受欢迎的骨骼之一,可以在世界各地数百万个人中找到。但是,像其他任何功能设备一样,它们的工作寿命也有限。在使用寿命结束时,开始松散的发生 - 以患者的活动能力和疼痛发作的恶化为标志。

骨骼植入物的最终目标是防止松动足够长的时间,以使患者在植入物之前(当然,在服务目的的同时)。为此,植入物必须更换天然骨组织,在该骨骼中,周围的骨头在植入物的表面上生长,并在称为的过程中与其融合osteogenesis. For years, researchers have tried a number of approaches, including the synthesis of new biomaterials, surface biofunctionalization, and even local active agent delivery, but it remains a topic of ongoing trial and error.


Strontium and silver

考虑到最终的目标和背后的工程部门的资金,该团队使用SLM技术打印了样本TI-6AL-4V植入物。然后,使用血浆电解氧化 - 一种用于产生氧化物涂层的电化学表面处理过程 - 用于用锶和银生物功能化植入物的表面。在这里,锶有助于骨骼生长,而银提供了抗菌特性。该小组发现,两种活性剂持续释放长达28天,并且金黄色葡萄球菌菌株几乎不存在,经过24小时的表面接触。

Interestingly, an extraordinarily synergistic antibacterial relationship was discovered between the strontium and silver. While in the presence of strontium, 4x – 32x lower concentrations of silver ions were required to kill off the whole bacterial culture, despite the strontium itself not having any bactericidal properties. The researchers see their work as an advanced prototype of future orthopedic biomaterials and hope to see their discovery made use of in a clinical setting.

SEM imaging of the bacterial clusters on the implant. Image via Delft University of Technology.
SEM imaging of the bacterial clusters on the implant. Image via Delft University of Technology.

Further details of the study can be found in the paper titled ‘功能包装的添加性生产的多孔钛植入物’。它由Ingmar A.J.合着范·亨格尔(Van Hengel),弗朗西斯卡(Francisca)


Elsewhere, materials scientists have developed astarch-infused polycaprolactone (PCL)-based composite filament用于低温FDM机器。然后通过添加生物活性成分进一步将细丝功能化,从而使其具有在较宽温度范围内起作用的抗菌特性。

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