
Domin Champimens flus Power with Renishaw Metal AM的可持续性

英国的流体电力系统制造商Dominhas deployed metal 3D printing technology from global engineering firm雷尼沙为了产生一系列高性能伺服阀,可以帮助削减流体动力行业的二氧化碳(CO2)排放。

Often used to control powerful hydraulic cylinders, a servo valve is an electrically-operated valve that controls hydraulic fluid by turning signals into pressure. Produced using Renishaw’s RenAM 500Q additive manufacturing system, each of Domin’s 3D printed servo valves can save up to one tonne of CO2 compared to their conventionally manufactured counterparts.

“需要干扰的理由 - 可持续性,”多姆(Domin)首席执行官马库斯·庞特(Marcus Pont)说。“在美国,仅通过系统效率低下,仅流体动力部门就每年浪费了约3亿吨二氧化碳。将其置于背景下,这与英国所有CO2排放的总产量大致相同。



Domin’s adoption of metal 3D printing


According to Domin, while multiple technologies have been introduced to the industry in recent decades there is yet to be one that causes “significant enough” change in the fluid power market in terms of improving sustainability.


Dominused the RenAM 500Q system to beginredesigning its direct drive servo valves,使它们比原始大小的四分之一的功能更强大25%。重新设计的阀产生了三分之一的成本,制造时间也大大减少了。

Domin最近还将添加剂制造应用于另一个领先的豪华跑车制造商的项目Aston Martin克兰菲尔德大学, which aims to develop a“世界领先”悬架系统涉及3D打印。悬架系统的设计将基于Domin的专利阀门技术,其中涉及3D打印的芯,该芯包含25个综合用来在整个系统中运输液压流体的液体画廊。



Now that Domin has developed its range of 3D printed state-of-the-art servo valves, the company hopes to showcase how engineering startups can drive value for the UK’s industry.

“英国是世界领先的gineering businesses,” said Pont. “However, most of the UK’s big engineering businesses were started in the 20th Century. It’s time for British business to become more ambitious. Combining metal additive manufacturing with other technologies revolutionizes what can be achieved technically – it could generate real value for British industry.”

Renam 500qis a quad laser metal additive manufacturing machine launched by Renishaw in 2017. The machine has a high maximum deposition rate of 150 cm³ per hour to improve productivity and lower cost per part, and also features automated powder and waste handling systems to ensure consistent process quality.

通过使用Renam 500Q重新设计和制造伺服阀,Domin能够提高生产率并降低每零件的成本,同时实现更大的设计自由度。3D打印阀专为最苛刻的伺服应用而设计,由Domin以小型,轻巧且负担得起的高性能产品销售,可提供良好的功率密度和动态性能。

With each 3D printed valve able to save up to a tonne of CO2 emissions compared to conventionally manufactured valves, Pont sees the range as just “the first step” in creating change within the UK’s fluid power systems sector. Going forwards, the company will look to start manufacturing and selling complete systems, while working on a number of high-profile projects.

Renishaw销售总监Bryan Austin说:“在许多市场中,添加剂制造业被证明是许多市场的关键推动力。”Renishaw技术启用的生产力意味着金属3D打印正在扩大到以前经济的市场。

“Domin has showcased how AM can be used to make products better, faster, and cheaper than traditional manufacturing would allow.”


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Featured image showsRenishaw的AM技术使DOMID能够重新设计和改善其伺服阀。通过Renishaw的照片。