

马萨诸塞州的3D打印机制造商Desktop Metal已经同意与空白支票公司Trine Acceliention Corp合并,以便公开其3D打印业务。

此举可能会为该公司筹集高达5.75亿美元的投资,它将在纽约证券交易所列出,带有股票符号“ DM”,估计的股权估值为25亿美元。桌面金属计划利用额外的资金加速其增长,并利用采用3D打印的越来越多的公司来使其供应链更加灵活。

在台式金属公告之后,其他金属3D打印机制造商的股票上涨,投资者将此举视为对桌面金属技术的信心。exone的该协议透露后不久,股票增长了3%,而德国机器生产商的股票voxeljet’sshares grew by 13 percent.

桌面金属联合创始人,董事长兼首席执行官Ric Fulop说:“我们处于采用添加剂制造的主要拐点,桌面金属在这种转型方面处于领先地位。”“我们充满活力,成为一家公开交易的公司,并开始与Trine的合作关系,这将提供资源来加速我们的上市努力并加强我们在研发中的无情努力。”



Desktop Metal has an increasingly-broad suite of additive services. The company serves markets in 60 countries, and its parts are used in industries ranging from automotive and aerospace to consumer products. During 2019, the firm launched three new systems, including thedesktop Fiber HT and LT machines,及其第一个金属粘合剂喷射系统for machine shops.

The Shop System comprising a 3D printer, powder station, and furnace, is designed to integrate into existing CNC shop operations. Desktop’s machine is able to produce a batch of complex parts every six to 12 hours, enabling the 3D printing of up to 70 kg of steel per day. To accelerate machine shop productivity, users can also create builds with a variety of parts, eliminating long processes and reducing costs for low volume batches.

Desktop Metal开始在欧洲运送其3D打印机的工作室系列last year, with customers including Germany’sBMW Group和意大利的政治米拉诺and添加+它。与注射成型零件生产者Indo-Mimanddigital manufacturer Fast Radius随后,随着台式金属继续扩展其技术的应用。

近年来,投资者一再承认桌面金属的3D打印技术的潜力。2017年7月,该公司raised $115 million将其金属添加剂系统推向市场,然后是further $160 million investment经过科赫破坏性技术in January 2019.

Desktop Metal的独立研究预测了3D打印创新的“第二波”,它称为“添加剂制造2.0”。The new applications unlocked with the help of Desktop’s metal manufacturing technologies will reportedly raise the value of the industry from $12 billion to $146 billion by 2030. By going public, the company is now seeking to capitalize on its position within the industry and re-invest to reinforce its position.



Desktop Metal is going public via a definitive business combination agreement with Trine Acquisition Corp. Trine is a special purpose acquisition company, led by Leo Hindery Jr andHPS投资合作伙伴,一家全球信贷投资公司,管理资产超过600亿美元。

该交易将看到Trine目前持有3亿美元的现金信托,与桌面金属相结合,估计为25亿美元的Pro Forma权益价值。桌面金属现有的股东将持有合并后公司的74%的股份,假设Trine的公开股东没有赎回。

交易中的任何现金收益将由Trine的现金信托基金和2.75亿美元的全额承诺普通股资金,每股10.00美元。其他投资将由Miller Value Partners,,,,xn,,,,Baron Capital Group,Chamath Palihapitiya,JB Straubel和HPS投资合作伙伴。


“After evaluating more than 100 companies, we identified Desktop Metal as the most unique and compelling opportunity, a company that we believe is primed to be the leader in a rapidly growing industry,” said Leo Hindery, Jr., Trine Acquisition’s Chairman, and CEO. “Ric has put together an exceptional team and board of directors with whom we are excited to partner to create the only publicly traded pure-play Additive Manufacturing 2.0 company.”

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