
Desktop Metal expands capabilities of Studio System with H13 3D printable tool steel

获奖3D printer manufacturerDesktop Metal已推出H13工具钢Studio System. Demonstrating exceptional hot hardness and abrasion resistance, H13 is an incredibly versatile material suitable for both hot and cold tooling applications.桌面金属的首席执行官兼联合创始人Ric Fulop说:

“Expanding the Studio System materials portfolio to include H13 tool steel enables designers and engineers to print mold inserts, extrusion dies, forging dies, and sheet metal tooling, including stamping, embossing, bending, and countersinking.”





The H13 tool steel which can now be used within the Studio System can produce dies with intricate extrusion profiles, expanding the possibilities of 3D printing on the desktop. A number of other 3D printer manufacturers, including DMLS providerFarsoon技术,活页夹专家Exone, and direct competitor标记have also developed H13 for use on their platforms.


例如,H13已用于支撑哮喘吸入器的烟嘴的注射模具核心。通常,这种注射模具核心的冷却时间占模具整个生命周期的95%。但是,3D打印的模具芯可以合并conformal cooling channelto accelerate this process. The material’s heat and abrasion resistance also speed up the cooling time.

“耐磨性,高硬度,韧性和对热疲劳的抵抗只是H13的几个好处,”运营经理Chris Aiello解释说alpha精度组,宾夕法尼亚州的粉末金属组件解决方案和客户桌面金属的提供商。

“缺点总是让佤邦的工具制造者nt to work with it. Now that it is available with the Studio System, all of these same benefits will be ready to deploy to the shop floor in days rather than months.”

Macy Industries,Inc。, a New Hampshire-based metal fabricator, is another Desktop Metal customer leveraging this material. Steve Lynch, Director of Business Development at the company, said, “3D printing H13 for sheet metal forming tools and stamping is an opportunity for a competitive advantage that will be hard to match.”


桌面金属材料库还包括316升和17-4个pH不锈钢。该公司计划将其他核心金属引入其投资组合,例如Superalloys,Carbon Steels和Copper。

A 3D printed asthma inhaler mouthpiece created with H13. Photo via Desktop Metal.

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Featured image shows a 3D printed extruder die made from H13 tool steel. Photo via Desktop Metal.