

Julie Reece is the Vice President of Marketing at Massachusetts based 3D printer companyRizeInc。在今年的AMUG会议的截止日期,Reece在业内其他专业人员小组中就添加剂制造业中女性的挑战和观察到的崛起发表了讲话。

In a follow-up blog post on the talk, Reece shares her thoughts on some of the key questions tackled by the panel, addressing a question of diversity within the industry which is essential to its ability to thrive and proliferate within a global culture.


Reece谈到了“添加剂制造的不断变化的景观 - 添加剂制造中的女性”panel with four other women in the 3D printing industry. These were: Elizabeth Goode, President of GoodeInk specialist consultants for additive and subtractive manufacturing industries; Melissa Lutz, Business Director at SomosDSM的SLA材料;香农范德伦(Amug Liaisons)参与者兼层次制造和咨询主席;和卡特彼勒公司工程项目经理Lisa Burt,那是朝着其机械的金属添加剂制造迈进。


Amug 2017的全女性面板的快照。照片通过Twitter上的Julie Reece, @Jareece611
Amug 2017的全女性面板的快照。照片通过Twitter上的Julie Reece, @Jareece611

一种n optimistic outlook

一种s of 2017, Reece has been in the additive manufacturing industry for over 10 years. In her observations of women in roles at 3D printer manufacturers, service bureaus, resellers and labs, Reece takes a positive view of the direction of the industry, writing,

并不是说妇女在公司和行业中并没有扮演影响力的角色 - 她们是 - 但通常她们往往会留在幕后,并且她们的贡献公开未被认可。

她还强调了为此目的设立的组织,例如3D印刷中的妇女由Nora Toure于2014年创立。该集团和由Toure设立的支持网站由Toure设立了与整个行业中女性的访谈:给她们的角色多样化。

在写这篇文章时,在Facebook上的3D Printing小组中的女性得到了600多个人的支持,而LinkedIn也有600多人加入。

一种dditive manufacturing is not for the “risk adverse”




一种well known view within the industry is that there aren’t enough skilled people to fill the roles available. Professor Moataz Attallah shared this viewcommenting on advanced manufacturing PhDs at the University of Birmingham。The opinion is also seconded by3D Platform president Jonathan Schroeder,并考虑到路线图在国家规模上仔细检查行业。

To take a look at a much more well established and larger tech industry, IT, women consistently make up less than 40% of computer oriented jobs.


By 2020 the US alone will have an estimated 1.2 million jobs available in computing and the college system so far isn’t producing enough graduates to fill those jobs.

Computer oriented education of women in the US from 1980 – 2012. Figures accurate as of 2014. Image via California tech company Lucidworks



It’s a similar situation in the UK. There is a drive for advanced manufacturing facilities across the nation, but still a shortage of students pursuing engineering or related subjects as a career path.


Prof. Ivinson talking about going beyond binaries at the NUT event. Photo by Michael Petch.
Prof. Ivinson talking about going beyond binaries at the NUT event. Photo by Michael Petch.

活动的演讲者包括教授索菲·斯科特(Sophie Scott),伦敦大学学院的惠康信托基金高级研究员,凯瑟琳·莱格特(Catherine Leggett)National Autistic Societyand Professor加布里埃尔·艾文森(Gabrielle Ivinson)来自曼彻斯特大都会大学。全国教师联盟主席马克斯·海德(Max Hyde)进行了讨论“我们对大脑及其与性别,性别和神经多样性相互作用的方式了解。

教授(和站立喜剧演员)索菲·斯科特(Sophie Scott)提出了令人信服的研究,以反对许多广泛持有的刻板印象,而加布里埃尔·艾文森(Gabrielle Ivinson)教授就这种陈规定型观念的持久性进行了研究。一种可以在此处阅读对活动的更详细的评论

Ideological era's of theories about gender differences. Photo by Michael Petch.
意识形态时代关于性别差异的理论。迈克尔·皮奇(Michael Petch)的照片。

一种key take-away was that the current manner of presenting technology in schools, and wider society, is detrimental to establishing a balanced workforce.

为此,很容易看到学校鼓励的STEM/Steam教育计划的价值。特别是那些旨在帮助女性的人in an environment that, as it stands, is somewhat closed to their gender. Reece asserts this thought as follows,


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