

What is the largest 3D printing facility in North America? It seems like a straightforward question, but depending on if you are speaking to the marketing or engineering department – the answer can differ.



As industrial additive manufacturing progresses, manufacturers, service bureaus and engineering firms have invested in facilities housing various 3D printing technologies. The U.S. has seen the recent establishment of设施,例如Emerging Technology Centerin Athens, Alabama, designed to support industries includingaerospace, transportation, and oil, gas & energy.

California has also seen the addition of an高级制造实验室(AML), from劳伦斯·利弗莫尔国家实验室(LLNL)打算使用增材制造设备加速研究。在里面医疗保健和牙科部门,包括Jabil3D printing center of excellence,已建立用于端到端扩展医疗设备的生产。

Of the significant investments made on such sites, many present themselves to be the “largest” or have the “most 3D printing systems.” Recently,SmileDirectClub, a Nashville-based teledentistry company, has declared its existing clear aligner manufacturing operation in Antioch, Tennessee, as the “largest 3D printing facility in the United States.”


But how should such a claim be tested? Is it based on the number of operational systems, the production capacities and or overall sizes of a U.S. 3D printing facility?


3D printing and SmileDirectClub

Last year,SmileDirectClub and HP announced a partnership增加其定制清晰对准器的生产。结果,49生命值Jet Fusion 3D printing systems被部署在24/7的安提阿现场,每天生产超过50,000个独特的口腔模具,估计每年有2000万个模具。该公司在与3D印刷行业的讲话中表示,计划在接下来的几个月中再部署11个,以满足不断增长的产品需求,以及得克萨斯州凯尔市的第二个制造工厂将于今年建立。


它的竞争对手,Align Technology,后面的加利福尼亚公司Invisalign, producesover half a million unique 3D printed parts每天使用未公开的数量3D Systemsadditive manufacturing machines.

Elsewhere, a source at 3D Systems tells us that the number of 3D printed parts produced at its 60,000 square foot Lawrenceburg, Tennessee, facility is estimated to be four times more than SmileDirectClub. The figure was provided to us but the company, however, it will remain undisclosed. Suffice to say, 3D Systems may be holding or just shy of 3D printers in the three figures at this plant.

SmileDirectClub's manufacturing facility in Antioch, Tennessee. Photo via HP


在更广泛的规模上,总部位于明尼苏达州的按需数字制造公司Protolabsholds eight facilities within the U.S. All of its 3D printing requests are dealt with at its additive manufacturing site in Raleigh, North Carolina. This spans from approximately 77,000 square feet and operates over one-hundred 3D printers, including the 3D Systems Viper SLA machines and HP Multi Jet machines.

Stratasys直接制造,Stratasysservice bureau, also has eight facilities across America. Its site in Minneapolis, Minnesota,目前容纳54台添加剂机器Valencia, California, facility holds 62, the company told 3D Printing Industry. These systems are running multiple technologies.

Moreover,EOS North America与我们分享,它有“largest global installation of powder bed fusion 3D printing systems in both North America and globally.” Nonetheless, t他的公司没有自由透露安装数量。

尽管很明显,SmileDirectClub不have the largest U.S. 3D printing facility, the company does indeed have a significant amount of HP Jet Fusion systems. In contrast, Californian 3D printing service providerFORECAST 3D, which is believed to be thefirst to offer MJF production at this scale, holds28 HP喷气融合3Dprinters在其49,000平方英尺manufacturing space, and 47 industrial 3D Printers overall, the company tells us.ProtolAbs的SLA 3D打印设施。通过Protolabs照片。

SLA 3D printing systems at Protolabs. Photo via Protolabs.The largest 3D printing facilities at a glance

With all these figures being thrown around, here is a direct comparison of the 3D printing facilities mentioned:

地点 大小(平方英尺) Number of systems Output
SmileDirectClub Antioch, Tennessee 35,000 49 HP Jet Fusion 3D printing systems 50,000 (daily)
Align Technologies San Jose, California N/A 未公开 500,000 (daily)
3D Systems Lawrenceburg, Tennessee 60,000 under 100 (Estimated) 未公开
Protolabs Raleigh, North Carolina 77,000 Over 100 未公开
Stratasys直接制造 Minneapolis, Minnesota N/A 54 未公开
Stratasys直接制造 Valencia, California 100,000 62 未公开
FORECAST 3D Carlsbad, California 49,000 47 未公开

Disclaimer: Several replies are still pending from other facilities throughout the U.S.

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