


The scanner,大爱丽丝, is a full body scanner capable of digitizing people and large, objects within a few milliseconds and at an accuracy of 1mm or less. 3Dcopysystems made the market debut for its line of爱丽丝品牌全身3D扫描系统back in 2016. Now after its initial European success, the company has brought its scanner to the American market.

3DCOPYSYSTEMSplans to take大爱丽丝and its smaller counterpart, little ALICE, on tour to Miami and Philadelphia in the near future.


Coming soon to a shopping mall near you

3DcopySystems于2015年由Andreas Schwirtz和Christof Kirschner共同创立,已经开发和设计了3D扫描系统,以实现更快,更准确的扫描程序。

Big Alice的价格为80,000欧元,并带有可调节的焦距,2400瓦的白光,64台DSLR摄像机可以捕获静止或移动主题,以及5m x 4m x 2.25m的尺寸,提供足够的空间,可容纳多达6人。扫描仪可以进行高分辨率,完整的Body3D扫描,可用于测量身体或在设计上进行数字编辑。

大爱丽丝provides fast and accurate scanning, allowing fashion designers to forgo time consuming measurement taking and allowing them to make quick adjustments to designs. It also comes with a high resolution texture map, making the scanner more viable for application in film and video games. Additionally the device can be used for medical purposes, i.e. if a patient requires acustomized back brace或其他支持。

Recently, the BIG ALICE scanner was initially set up at FIT’s interior design and tech lab where students and teachers were able test out how the machine could benefit fashion design.那个单位然后被带回FIT的年度颁奖晚会,许多时装设计师和模特都使用了高分辨率照片。

“与购物中心和时装秀的合作伙伴关系在卡片中,美国一些国际公司对与我们合作表示兴趣。”3Dcopysystems的联合创始人Christof Kirschner说。

迈克尔·费拉罗(Michael Ferraro)在年度Fit Awards Gala举行。通过bfa.com的照片
迈克尔·费拉罗(Michael Ferraro)在年度Fit Awards Gala举行。通过bfa.com的照片


其他几家公司还开始在时尚中使用3D扫描技术,例如豪华时尚品牌Balenciaga。Balenciaga创意总监Demna Gvasalia,对他的模型的身体进行了3D扫描and then adjusted them in a CAD program to improve the design. Last year,Amazon购买的软件公司Body Labs的3D scanner technology,这将使用户几乎可以尝试新衣服。

Similarly other companies have begun to create their own brand of 3D full body scanners. Earlier this year,柯达,与3D车身扫描技术公司Twindom合作推出了柯达全身3D扫描仪,一个移动扫描摊位,最多可容纳14名成年人。

When describing how 3Dcopysystems scanners could change the market, Kirschner stated “The extraordinary quality of our high-resolution 3D scans and the associated texture surprised and inspired the fashion experts at FIT and introduced them to new possibilities for the individualization of fashion products,”


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