
3D Printing News Sliced, $11M project call, SLM Solutions, Aconity3D, Onshape


Read on for the latest news from NextFlex, SLM Solutions, Aconity3D, Onshape, Bristol Children’s Hospital and Cunicode.


NextFlex,,,,总部in San Jose California, was formed in 2015 to advance the Flexible Hybrid Electronics (FHE) ecosystem. Much like美国制造,该财团有来自学术,州和商业背景的成员。现在,通过NextFlex项目致电4.0该财团正在为进一步开发和采用FHE的项目提供1100万美元。

NextFlex基金的先前增材制造受益人包括Optomec,,,,that received $3 million in 2017 for application its气溶胶喷气技术and, most recently, Lockheed Martin, that was granted funding to create a database ofadditively manufactured antennas and microwave elements

“NextFlex’s Project Call process has proven to be extremely successful,” said Dr. Malcolm J. Thompson, executive director of NextFlex. “We continuously tackle member-identified FHE manufacturing challenges, and with 31 projects already underway from three previous project calls, we expect this to garner even more interest from the FHE community. Topics in Project Call 4.0 build upon successful developments and learning from our previous project calls.”


Nextflex logo. Image via Nextflex
Nextflex logo. Image via Nextflex

aconity3dmakes new home in Texas


“We are pleased to establish a relationship with UTEP,”saidAconity3d董事总经理Yves Hagedorn博士。“这是一个很好的例子,说明研究大学如何与私营企业合作,以促进向学生提供的教育机会,并吸引该地区的经济发展。”


“We have long worked on leveraging our expertise in 3D printing to build a new economy in El Paso around additive manufacturing,” said Ryan Wicker, Ph.D., founder of the Keck Center. “Our partnership with Aconity3D is a major milestone in that direction and is validation of all of our combined efforts.”

您可以在最近的3D印刷行业中阅读有关该公司的更多信息interview with Aconity3D managing director, Yves Hagedorn

德克萨斯大学埃尔帕索大学。通过El Paso Inc。
德克萨斯大学埃尔帕索大学。通过El Paso Inc。

ONSHAPE’s latest software updates.




以前On Shape与软件开发人员合作卡德纳斯and Electronic Product Catalogs allowing customers toaccess 3D part modelsdirectly from Onshape.



德国总部metal 3D printer manufacturerSLM解决方案将于8月25日中午至下午4点在8月25日举办开放日。


今年早些时候,SLM解决方案加入了3D printing production partnership与其他九家公司一起,以减少推销新产品的时间。这些公司包括Curtiss-Wright技术,,,,Edr&Medeso,,,,and沃尔沃卡车

SLM Solutions的商业总监Daniela Wedemeyer期待开放式大厦说:“我们很自豪能够有机会向Lübeck人民介绍我们的新公司建筑和SLM技术。欢迎大家庆祝,讨论和发现我们。”

SLM解决方案SLM 280 2.0。图像通过SLM Solutions Group Ag。
SLM解决方案SLM 280 2.0。图像通过SLM Solutions Group Ag。

医生游泳英语频道为医院3D BioProinter筹集资金

安德鲁·沃尔夫,,,,a 63-year old professor and cardiologist, has completed a swim across the English Channel in an effort to raise money to establish a 3D printing facility for children with heart defects.

沃尔夫的目标旨在筹集20,000英镑,以购买3D生物生产商并启用医疗模型印刷布里斯托尔儿童医院根据沃尔夫的说法,这项技术可以“改变”婴儿及其家人的生活,从而改善复杂手术的手术计划。单位会also enable the team to explain and show in detail to parents and children what the problem is and how it can be fixed. Wolf believes that this cutting-edge technique would be one of the first facilities of its kind in the UK.

今年早些时候在美国家庭儿童医院在威斯康星州。那里的医生能够为小儿心脏做准备用3D印刷心脏手术。同样,亚利桑那州的医生凤凰儿童医院have used患者器官的3D印刷型号更准确地确定癌性肿瘤。


完工后的狼和朋友。通过安德鲁·沃尔夫(Andrew Wolf)的照片。

Cunicode新3 d印刷艺术


Each piece in the collection is composed of a random combination of nine basic units that are placed around a cylinder. These pieces were designed with蚱蜢3D建模软件和3D打印在Potterbot 3D打印机上。

这些新作品的关键卖点之一是,每个作品都是独特的,并且存在于数百万个可能的不同组合的巨大景观中。这3D打印雕塑known as P16.4, contains over sixty-six quadrillion possible combinations.


艺术的一个例子。照片Vie Cunicode。
艺术的一个例子。照片Vie Cunicode。



Featured image is an example of Cunicode’s latest line of 3D printed art. Photo via Cunicode.

有关此主题的更多信息 新的3D打印行业指数报告第一数据